600 Srx Vs Viper or SX 700?


Active member
Sep 18, 2006
Duluth, Mn
Anyone with srx6 race any of the above or any other 600 or 700 from other manufactures?

The reason I ask, is I never get to run against anyone in the area...What is a good time for these sleds? I will be able to mark a distance with my gps and see how I compare...Any help would be great!!!
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Well I found some dyno numbers and I should be really close hp to a non piped viper and sx...I guess it would depend on distance and setup and traction...Anyone have any ideas? I know TURK had one...
Read a Turk post on HC that said he ran a 109 with his, which will beat a stock viper. A well tuned Viper can certainly do that if not a touch more.

Anyway, yes these two machine are very close and it would all come down to tuning.

My srx600 is neck and neck with my bro in law's 05 polaris 600xc. Mine's got v force3's and bender trail clutch kit 1 in predator track with 144 studs.. I had the bender can on it but now I'm back to the stock one. I want to see if its any faster with the stock can. I also just put an edge skid in waiting to try both out.
I lined up with my dads edge X 600 and my buddys MXZ 583 and smoked both of them with my 99 SRX 600 and I also raced my buddys 02 viper 700, I took him on the bottom end but he started catchin up on the mid range and were side by side top end, he's also lighter than me by 20-40 lbs so i lose a couple horse-power there.
Thanks for all the posts guys!!! I also ride with a vector and a nytro. By other post I have read, I am thinking that I should be able to get the vector after about 50 and I should be able to get or be real close to that nytro on the top end. I have seen about 95 on gps(just over a 1/4 mile)...but that is with horrible clutching(over-rev at 8800) and I had to let off because of the trail. I have a new setup and would like to see how it will do. Going to try to get out on the river and opener up this weekend. What do you think? Am I dreaming?
raced my srx6 against a 02 viper today, dead even up to 50, started slowing pulling on him, at 80 i had one length on him and at 110 i had 3 lengths on him......super close
My work (Machinist) riding buddy has a 1998 SRX600 that is fine tuned and mint. He has had every shaft trued, clutches machined and dialed ,etc....my Viper over the years has always had more on upper midrange and top. The last two years though he has had a bit more on top but he took the cylinders off a couple years ago and cleaned up all the ports and shaved the heads, plus he switched to Heavy Hitters like I run. I would say in most conditions the Viper and a SRX6 would be close being the HP numbers are close. All in the setup.......
