Gwinn Mi

There are no Forest Service Lands in the Gwinn area. The following link however will take you to Michigan DNR provided topo quad maps that you can print out. Hope it helps.,1607,7-153-10371_14793-31264--,00.html

Keep in mind, these topo maps do not show private land areas, so if you're going to be exploring off of any state or county un-plowed roads, you should really have a plat book also. Sorry, no link to that.
I live in gwinn, there arent any forest roads. Tons of trails though. If you stop at the BP station towards the south end of town, they sell trail maps there.

Trails are great too right now, by the way.
We are going to go up toward Muni. The maps from the DNR are good except they don’t have the roads marked. I downloaded a few of the maps and laid them next to the trail map. The trail map calls one of the service roads CR552, the DNR only shows a dotted line with no road markings. I have seen the brown service road numbers on the side of trail but I can’t distinguish those on the DNR maps. Any help would be appreciated
