Old vs. New

Bone Daddy

New member
Jan 9, 2007
south east ,WI
I tell my friends I would never go back to riding old sleds all the time , until now. I purchased a 07 Apex RTX in 07 and felt this was the best thing I ever bought for the amount of fun its givin me until the other day ! That day I deceided to take out my wifes sled - my old 00sxr 700 - to clean the gas out of it before I put it away and had not riden it since my 07 purchase. The trails were flat and well groom so I felt it would be good time to ride such obsolete hardware . WOW ! I forgot that sled could handle like it was on rails and was light ,easy to stop all the things I forgot about. Im not bashing my new ride its just I guess Im not going to bash my old anymore. I havent had so much fun in a long time on a sled, I guess once you get used to throwing around a extra 100 pounds to hop on something light with almost no ski lift is just a blast. Sure I had the throttle to the bars all the time but to rip around corners and brake in shorter distance was a great feeling . It was like I became a better rider , I had so much more confidence and didnt have to think as much on when I should brake or what part of the apex I should start to ease into the gas so I can make it through the turn without lift.

Now if the trails were ruff I would not ride that sled compare to the rider forward design or if I were up in the U.P. due to the lack of throttle response and top end but if the trails are smooth, fast and tight I just might take the old blue out for a spin down memory lane .
I have heard others say that as well, even enough to fix up there old sled or find another one.Kinda made me feel good about my older sled!
I am with rules!!

93 & 94 Sleds !!!
same with the rigs that haul them...
96 Ford & 97 Pace Trailer!!!

Older......but still dependable & paid for !!! Heehee!! :rofl:

racerrob6m said:
Older......but still dependable & paid for !!! Heehee!! :rofl:


yeah, you should see me beat the living snot out of my modded indy trail. I think I do this for a couple reasons.

1. its 20+ years old,
2. it's not pretty
3. it has a ton of miles on it
4. it is light as hell
5. If I binned it, I wouldn't care, provided I was ok, and nobody else got hurt.
i also have a 06 apex er and bent the a arms on it so i bought a 02 srx toride locally due to poor trails and really like ridin the srx alot, it feels more stable than the apex
I like the APEX but you cant overlook the weight . When you ride it you seem not to notice it but when you ride something 100lbs lighter you realize its there. you just cant throw it around so much . The motor just pulls like a train though . Cant wait to see what they make next . That motor and shed 80lbs that would rock !
Bone Daddy said:
When I see you ridden that indy I will stay clear !!

it only gets out 1x a year or so. and that is a good thing.

for me too, the weight of the apex is the main reason I would not buy one. I really like the Attack or the apex LTX for a big miles machine though. Yami did a good job of shedding weight on the FX nytro's. They basically feel like a 2 stroke in that regard.
horkn said:
it only gets out 1x a year or so. and that is a good thing.

for me too, the weight of the apex is the main reason I would not buy one. I really like the Attack or the apex LTX for a big miles machine though. Yami did a good job of shedding weight on the FX nytro's. They basically feel like a 2 stroke in that regard.
^^i second that motion!
I like my 2 sleds 01 and 02. Again I go from my 02 SRX to the 01SXR and I can sure feel the difference in weight between them.SXR is way lighter and way more fun to ride in everything.Being I geared it down 1 tooth upper and installed a 1 1/4 Ripsaw..it blasts thru everything and love getting air bourne with it to.Can lift the ski's on it with no problem when I pin it.I put it to the max and it doesn't want to breakdown.10,000 plus km's ..heading for 11,000.You can keep the Apex..to pricey also for me.If I had money sitting around and doing nothing,then perhaps I would look into a new sled,but for now I have 2 of them,actually 3...rebuilding a vintage 76 Pantera as a hobby,with new engine already purchased.Body and exterior of it is mint,only about 1000 miles on it in 32 years.
my styl of riding for the past 30 years is sit down shut up and hang on now try and buck me off. i like a sled that sits low and has wide front end for stability and goes like a scared rabbit and the srx does exactly that it has every thing and is a good looking sled.these new sleds are all rider forward and thats not my styl of riding i,m not a stand up rider, a nother thing for some reason when i,m sitting down it put lots of pressure on my hips and can,t stand that very uneasy. i like the 4 stroke and the torque they have but the actuall handling department sucks in my school lol Al Larson
Yup dependable, but the kids just run it into a tree so I have to do some repairs yet again. My son's buddy went over a 6 inch jump with it and fell off. Apparently he didn't know that ghost rider sleds head directly for trees whenever possible.
extreme4max4rules said:
my styl of riding for the past 30 years is sit down shut up and hang on now try and buck me off. i like a sled that sits low and has wide front end for stability and goes like a scared rabbit and the srx does exactly that it has every thing and is a good looking sled.these new sleds are all rider forward and thats not my styl of riding i,m not a stand up rider, a nother thing for some reason when i,m sitting down it put lots of pressure on my hips and can,t stand that very uneasy. i like the 4 stroke and the torque they have but the actuall handling department sucks in my school lol Al Larson
im with you ,2 new knees does not make for rider foward friendly ,kind of like my 94 vmax 600 ,maybe enough to spring for a zx2 suspension as i could always take it out when its time to sell.now here,s were i will be cursed by one and all,if i was to buy a new sled tomorrow i would look very ,very closely at the 600 e-tec.next would be the 600 iq shift.i really wish yammie made a 2 stoke but i quess they dont care about me so the feeling is mutual.honestly think a new sled is far in the future though so dont curse at me too much ,ok? :bash:
