looking for a blown engine... MAJOR SCHOOL PROJECT!


Wishing for snow!
Dec 2, 2006
Hamilton, Ont
WTB: blown snowmobile engine..... MAJOR SCHOOL PROJECT!

Hey guys,

First off I am in need os a blown snowmoible engine, or any free snowmobile engine. I would prefer something in the 1985-present era, Just for ease of tear down. But I would prefer a triple, but a 485cc+ twin would do.

Now what I need it for:

I am now back at school for until April 5th. I was supposed to finish school 1 full semester early and Start work in Jan. But I got screwed for One compulsory Credit, and HAD to come back to school for one simple credit. But I had to choose 2 course or more to be registered at the school again. So i choose math, english (The one I needed), and AUTO! So For english and math I was given all the work in a booklet or two. But Who would I be able to do that for auto. So I am being pushed through to start my job in April. So Instead of staying until June 20ish, I have to finish the credits by April. So I have to get all the work done by then.

So Here I am getting my Math, English all done...... But auto isn't that easy. Most of the work is in the shop. I spend My first class and my spare and lunch in auto to make up for the time I am going to miss. I need to com up with a topic to teach the class, But something that hasn't been taught in the class yet. So I know a few people in the class want to be snowmobile/bike mechanics. So I thought If I was able to get a free 2-stroke engine prefer able a triple that I could tear apart and teach the class about. I would prefer a triple due to the three people that want to do the 2-stroke stuff. I thought I would teach them and they would rebuild one Cyl. each.

I am a member of the local 18 carpenters union, and I am paying my monthly dues, But I just can't afford to keep paying without working until July! I need to start working right away!

So If anyone out there has an engine, or few that they wouldn't need please let me know. I called my cousins, But all they got are engine that are built up already. So those are no good for me.

please let me know if anyone has anything, I owuld really appreciate it!

Nik Delsordo!
Thanks a lot CrewChief. I really dont know whwre to turn but you guys. I hope someone has a blown up engine somewhere!
Also if anyone has a blown up, or free phazer engine let me know. I have been through my phazers engine and I could teach this 485cc easily.

Thanks guys!
I got a 96 600 needs 1 piston and the head might be able to salvaged. not sure its pretty beat up....

I dont really wanna give this away..... offer? Or you guys can rebuild it and give it back :) :) :)
maxout01 said:
you should try doo talk!! This is a yami site, lol!!

I should ehh, LOL!

And Polaris500, I am not looking to spend money at this time. but if I was it would be on something local. I owuld need it soon, and I HATE waiting shipped things.

Thanks, Nik!
Borrow my viper for a few days and I'm sure you'll be able to pop it, I need a good excuse to get a new sled. Maybe I could donate it to your school for a right off. Although I don't think you'll want to blow it up, it's in pretty darn good condition.
My guess is its going to be pretty damn hard to try to bargain a free engine from someone. I know I wouldnt want to give up a engine blown or not. Maybe you could work out some kind of deal they ship the motor to you. You guys repair the burnt down engine and they give you X amount of dollars for you service. Its a win win situation you get to teach your class and they get a rebuild for low cost :)
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Yeah I figured that by now. If I had an unused engine I would give it to a person that needed it.
