New member
Hi Everyone,
My name is Randy, 55, I live in Novi Mich.
I am new to this site.
Have not owned a sled since about 73. Got turned off to snowmobiling back when the great state of Mich tried to shut it down by writing tickets up north for riding the back roads. My younger brother has re-introduced me and I am "hooked again".
I was going to buy yellow but have seen the light. There really is no question in my mind that I will be buying a Yamaha sled. Am looking at the Apex GT...Really would like to ride one before I buy but after checking different dealers in the state, I see that it's tuff to find "demo sleds". I have one possibility in Gaylord this weekend to ride some kind of a Yamaha at a dealer there. Questions:
I have read different posts about purchasing warranties and I read that if you have a problem, a lot depends on how much a dealer will will back you for a particular problem. So....the question is, how do we discover who the good dealers are in our state? I have no problem going out of my area to buy a sled if I am going to get good service with the deal.
Also..could you all plz enlighten me to some of the pros-cons about the Apex...Like I said, I am 55, am looking for a trail machine that will suit my style of riding (that being mostly on the trail) and also one that I can mod on in the off season.
I am leaning toward the Apex GT.
Thanks... it feels way better here than it did in the "yellow snow".

My name is Randy, 55, I live in Novi Mich.
I am new to this site.
Have not owned a sled since about 73. Got turned off to snowmobiling back when the great state of Mich tried to shut it down by writing tickets up north for riding the back roads. My younger brother has re-introduced me and I am "hooked again".
I was going to buy yellow but have seen the light. There really is no question in my mind that I will be buying a Yamaha sled. Am looking at the Apex GT...Really would like to ride one before I buy but after checking different dealers in the state, I see that it's tuff to find "demo sleds". I have one possibility in Gaylord this weekend to ride some kind of a Yamaha at a dealer there. Questions:
I have read different posts about purchasing warranties and I read that if you have a problem, a lot depends on how much a dealer will will back you for a particular problem. So....the question is, how do we discover who the good dealers are in our state? I have no problem going out of my area to buy a sled if I am going to get good service with the deal.
Also..could you all plz enlighten me to some of the pros-cons about the Apex...Like I said, I am 55, am looking for a trail machine that will suit my style of riding (that being mostly on the trail) and also one that I can mod on in the off season.
I am leaning toward the Apex GT.
Thanks... it feels way better here than it did in the "yellow snow".

Hello and welcome! You will find alot of info here but as for the apex gt questions, you are going to find ALOT more info on the four stroke forums on TY. You have to register for that separately (I'm still not sure why). As for dealers you really have to find others around you that have had new ownership experience with them in order to get a rep review as I call it. 

have you not ridden any since 73?if so you are not gonna believe modern machinery!i dont own a 4 stroke sled like the apex however a friend does.i can tell after riding his i personally wont be until the weight comes way down.aside from the weight they are sweet though!im hoping they shed 60-80 pounds,then i woudny hesitate to get one,i was a diehard 2 stroke mx rider until i rode a 4 stroke---no comparsison!i will add the mighty yamaha was the innovator there as 2 cents.imop a 2 stroke triple-twin 600 is all the power the average guy needs.
Welcome RANDY!!!! I didnt know they MADE snowmobiles in 1973???? (just kidding!!!) My first sled was a MASSEY FERGUSON SKI WHIZ which was around 1970 or something like that!!! I found the BEST SLED in the world and it was a 2004 viper ER..... Rides like a CADILLAC!!!! personally,, i think the 4 stroke sleds are a waste of money,,,,but,,, theres a LOT of people buying them.. I also LOVE 2 stroke oil (KLOTZ) smell and I like "old school" powersports.. I have an ALMOST MINT 73 CUDA and a 73 challenger that runs REAL LOW TENS at the dragstrip!!!! Like I said before,, I DON'T LIKE 4 stroke sleds AT ALL!!!!! As far as the dealers are concerned.. i have had PROBLEMS with a FEW!!!! Other dealers will give you the shirt off their back to get you as a continued customer!!! I know a couple of dealers like that.. One is a personal friend of mine!!!! You're doing the right thing by asking around.... its just I have a problem with a FEW DEALERS and I am NOT AT LIBERTY to discuss it further!!!
maxout01 said:You have to register for that separately (I'm still not sure why).
Just for your enlightenment, it's because the two forums use two different pieces of software. Don't ask why, just accept that they do. The head aches to combine the two or swich one over to the other software are very large. Hope this helps!
I have owned most every performance model of Yamaha since the late mid 80's, and I can honestly say my Attak (Apex w/136" track) is by far my favorite sled. You should really post your questions on the 4 stroke side as well to get an overall feel for things, since most of these guys over here are still 2 stroke riders.
I can tell ya that one the last couple of TY rides, there has been a few of the 2 stroke faithfull here that rode the 4 strokes and will now be converting!! But everyone is differant and so are opinions so of caurse if you could get some seat time on one that would be very benificial as well.
Good luck on your decision
I can tell ya that one the last couple of TY rides, there has been a few of the 2 stroke faithfull here that rode the 4 strokes and will now be converting!! But everyone is differant and so are opinions so of caurse if you could get some seat time on one that would be very benificial as well.
Good luck on your decision
crewchief47 said:Just for your enlightenment, it's because the two forums use two different pieces of software. Don't ask why, just accept that they do. The head aches to combine the two or swich one over to the other software are very large. Hope this helps!
Hey thanks for the anwser! It doesnt really matter, it was just always one of those things that make you think to yourself...why?... LoL!