Cleaning off exhaust residue


New member
Feb 17, 2008
Poughquag, NY
Does anyone have any tricks or magic cleaners to remove the exhaust residue from the right side plastic belly pan? The pan right in the vicinty of the exhaust pipe is really coated. This residue is easily removed from painted surfaces with wax. I changed the right side belly pan at 6000 miles, looks like I have to do it again. Yes, I'm nuts. Any mark or imperfection on the sled drives me crazy.
Find your self a GOOD cleaner like simple green(full strength),or any type of degreaser/cleaner and pour the elbow grease to it...

most of it should come off
I still haven't till this day found anything that will get that residue off..tried again tonight with no luck....degeaser,goof off,simple green,vinager,brake cleaner..nothing cuts thru it... :o|
Has anybody tried the Westley's Bleche White tire cleaner? I wonder if that would work. I think it has bleach in it. I know it cleans a lot of other things very well.
