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what is the horse power difference between the 97 600 twin and the red head 600 tripple.
New member
I think the triples are 96 and the twins are 90.
New member
Could be wrong but i thought it was more like red head 100 twin 96?? in that area
tripples are supposed to be 100 but alot dynoed 96hp-98hp
when I got my 98 twin brand new the certificate that came with it said 94hp.
when I got my 98 twin brand new the certificate that came with it said 94hp.
Active member
Stock for stock they are relatively close. The 600 twin is kinf of poochy in stock form though with that thick head gasket in it. When I had my 1997 600SX, I did the thinner .6mm headgasket along with the GYT silencer (only one that works) along with clutching and better traction and that thing was a very quick sled in it's day. I know it would top end the baby 600 triple. Mine would top end most of the red head 700 triples that were stock. They built that motor with some speed in mind being they snocrossed it. I think the triples exhaust ports helped alot for top end.