I just received an invoice in the mail from FedEx for an order that I had shipped to Canada back in Dec28/07.They want now extra for GST and Brokerage fees.My original order total was for $208.54.Shipping was $47.46 thru Fedex.Now I get an extra invoice for $$70.07. WOW,now I am thinking it is not worth ordering anything from the USA anymore.We get screwed again.
Now I went and worked the pricing for shipping,GST and Brokerage fees in to an extra $0.55 for each dollar I spent there..Still it does come cheaper for me to buy across the border.I haven't gone thru every item,but I picked out one that I could show you what it actually cost me from the USA (complete with fees and taxes and delivery) compared to the same item I have purchased from my Yamaha Dealer.
Example: Solid Bushing--->Part # 90381-25115-00........$2.94 each(USA)
Soild Bushing--->Part # 90381-25115-00........$7.23 each(CAN)
NOW..that is a difference of $4.29 each.And I go off my Yamaha invoice that I have here,and the date of purchase on this bushing was in April 23/05. I imagine if I bought it in 2007,price would of even been higher.
Now I will go pay to Fedex the extra money,not feeling as bad as I thought,knowing I AM STILL AHEAD with the money I saved.
Call me crazy or what...but that is a huge difference for just a piece of plastic.Not fair,not fair at all.Yes things will have to change here in Canada or else as a fellow member mentioned earlier,there is going to be a problem in the future for dealerships that sell to us consumers.Not just in the snowmobile industry,but in all.We are just getting nailed to the wall.
The cost difference in actually buying a new sled here and in the USA is very huge also.Give me a break Canada...please.
This means I will get a few more invoices from FEDEX for a couple more orders I have placed.Got to save a few $$$$$ for this.Got to keep the government happy also...they want that friggin GST from me and you.