09 Canadian MSRP pricing

jimmie d

New member
Oct 31, 2003
North Port, Florida
Apex $13,699 Vector $ 12,199
RTX 14,399 GT 12,699
LTX 14,299 LTX 12,499
GT 15,099

Nytro XTX, no pricing MTX $ 14,499
Nytro $ 12,999 SE 14,999
RTX 13,499

Phazer $ 8,499 Venture $ 12,599
GT 9,299 GT 12,899
RTX 9,599

So much for a strong Canadian Dollar. :nos:

do you really think taxes are included..dream on.I would spend my money on a used truck for work first then any of them high priced sleds.
If you purchase one of them new sleds,say around $15,000,with taxes,payment paln and gear..you are looking at about $25,000 paid out on a 8 year payment plan with Yamaha.Can you dig that,no me.Looked into it myself a few years back..to much cash to pay out.Keeping the old sleds forever!!!!
haha i plan on paying half cash so for me s not that bad cuts down the interest by alot...and since my boss buys 40 new outboard engines from a dealer near my house everyear i might be able to get a deal...i was just wondering because ive done 2-3 different dealers and they all quoted me 15000gs with tax..as for the older sleds sure i love them but im not good at mechanics so id much rather something with a gurantee..in the past 2 years ive put over 3gs in 2 different srxs..money that could have gone towards this new sled
And what do you think the price of parts are here...way to much also.Get all my parts from down south,in some instances up to 1/2 price compared to our retail here in Canada.Something has to BLOW soon.Top that off with our highly taxed gasoline that we put in our sleds.Can I say end of sledding coming to those coming up the ladder.Dealers will be hurting,and maybe some dropping out of the market eventually.The next generation of sledders may be non existent.The price of houses out here is crazy to.My kids won't be able to afford what I have now.Will they ever own a house,not really.They will rent first.Snowmobiling will be last on their list.Unless they marry into a rich family.LOL
as for parts im in the same boat as you i order strictly from the states but i lack the patience and knowledge to fix my sled so i get it done at the dealer..lol the way i figure it is im young and still live at home so il take advantage of having my first brand new machine...cuz like you said with the rising costs in the futur i know i wont be able to have half of what i have now...especially once i settle down
enjoy it now bud...enjoy it now.I had my toys when I was young and single.Then did the stupid deed...got married..fun ended for me.No sleds for over 20 years.Built a new house,raised kids,kicked the first wife out and got a new one...lol.New wife does not fight me on purchasing my 2 sleds.Now thought s turn to retirement in the future years to come..how to survive the last few years of my miserable life.Thinking of going up north and live in an Igloo,cheap to build and have my 4-stroke sleds sitting beside it.Can you picture that...he he he he...eh!!!
lol well if you ever need an igloo i can maybe hook ya up lol i work8 months a year in james bay away from home and 4 months in town..plenty of land to build and sledding paradise
I don't get it. The retail car, boat and sled markets in Canada are heading for a lot of trouble if they don't get their act together. Interesting that the price of a new Harley is the nearly the same in Canada and the US. Not the same story for other brands made in North America and covered by NAFTA, like Cat, Pol and Doo. Until I hear an explanation that makes sense of it all, I'm calling it what it is, GOUGING.
Read in a sledding rag a editorial about the cost of sleds and it was suggested that Can prices are not too high but American prices were too low!For my U.S friends i hope the manufactures dont read that one.
There are some dealers of the "others" that are offering Canadian incentives. I was thinking maybe Yamaha might step up to the plate. If they don't, there may be some suffering dealers North of the boarder.
well was at my dealers today.They still have a few sleds left to sell.I don't really go there much anymore.Just to give you an example how costly things are.Picked up 3 -Br9ECS plugs today.The cost total with taxes $40.15.I was stunned,but took them anyways.#$%&*
I just received an invoice in the mail from FedEx for an order that I had shipped to Canada back in Dec28/07.They want now extra for GST and Brokerage fees.My original order total was for $208.54.Shipping was $47.46 thru Fedex.Now I get an extra invoice for $$70.07. WOW,now I am thinking it is not worth ordering anything from the USA anymore.We get screwed again.

Now I went and worked the pricing for shipping,GST and Brokerage fees in to an extra $0.55 for each dollar I spent there..Still it does come cheaper for me to buy across the border.I haven't gone thru every item,but I picked out one that I could show you what it actually cost me from the USA (complete with fees and taxes and delivery) compared to the same item I have purchased from my Yamaha Dealer.
Example: Solid Bushing--->Part # 90381-25115-00........$2.94 each(USA)
Soild Bushing--->Part # 90381-25115-00........$7.23 each(CAN)

NOW..that is a difference of $4.29 each.And I go off my Yamaha invoice that I have here,and the date of purchase on this bushing was in April 23/05. I imagine if I bought it in 2007,price would of even been higher.

Now I will go pay to Fedex the extra money,not feeling as bad as I thought,knowing I AM STILL AHEAD with the money I saved.

Call me crazy or what...but that is a huge difference for just a piece of plastic.Not fair,not fair at all.Yes things will have to change here in Canada or else as a fellow member mentioned earlier,there is going to be a problem in the future for dealerships that sell to us consumers.Not just in the snowmobile industry,but in all.We are just getting nailed to the wall.
The cost difference in actually buying a new sled here and in the USA is very huge also.Give me a break Canada...please.#$%&* :o| :o| :dunno: :shock:

This means I will get a few more invoices from FEDEX for a couple more orders I have placed.Got to save a few $$$$$ for this.Got to keep the government happy also...they want that friggin GST from me and you.
Dude, use US postal service if you don't need the stuff too soon, $5 brokerage from them. Usually around 3 weeks to get through customs, depending on many variables.

Fedex and UPS will bend you over on brokerage fees.
I haven't been charged duty on anything for a while, but I haven't been buying alot of new stuff either. Canada post just collects the taxes and brokerage fee when it shows up. That doesn't mean you won't get charged duty on anything, but if Fedex or UPS didn't, US post won't. Brokerage fees are just a fee for 'importing' your package, doing the paper work for you. Complete scam if the postal service can do it for $5.
Marking the item as a "gift" on the customs slip before shipping (Canada Post or USPS) normally gets you free brokerage... not sure if there's a value limit as to how much the "gift" is worth before charging fees or not.
yeah a certain somebody I don't want to mention his name sends me stuff to Canada marked gift.The limit is $60.00 without paying duty or fees.Some of my pkg's were well over $250.00...nice gift I would say...lol
hey Blue, you can skip the igloo theory.
Average igloo price here in Whitehorse is over 300.000
Many in the 400.000 plus range.
I bought my old 1960 something house 5 years ago for 125.000
now on the market it would more than 275.000. I wish I knew were all the money was coming from.

USPS air freight is the best for us in Canada . The wifey and I went to the Seattle Boat Show last month and met a Yami Dealer and priced out a new Nytro MTX $8900 USD my Dealer $12600 Why ? Blew my carbs out forgetting about those 3 little O rings, washers and springs behind the fuel screws, cost me $27 for those puppies Wow!
