New member
Jul 20, 2003
Dewitt mi
O.K. Guys how good will the stage 1-2 780 kit perform over just having CPR pipes? Our VIPERS rock with just the pipes. Would we see a noticeable difference. Do any of you that went with a stage 1 now wish you had the stage 2 or the other way around.....Gary.
Need Snow,
I have the Stage-2 780 CPR Big Bore on my SRX. I love this kit. It absolutely rocks. I ran this kit on the asphalt this summer and I ran a 10.3et in 1/4mi at 124mph. The stockers ran high 10's/Low 11's in the 1/4 and they had slower speeds. I also ran with a kid that had a Bender 835. I was much faster and more importantly quicker.

If you want a big power sled the 780 is the way to go...
Also, if you want a video of me running this on the grass (from last weekend) please post your email. I will send it to you... My bud created it... It shows me running a very quick f7. I also beat up on a 800xc(twin pipes), 900zr(D&D Twin Pipes), and many others...

One of the best things about this is Jeff was there for any questions that I had. Weather is clutching, jetting or putting it together... He is there to help you all the way.

Good Luck,
Need Snow,
Q: What does, "How about the rest fo you with the kit....." mean...???
Not sure what you are getting at here.

--Buster696--. My brother is thinking of buying one. He doesn't know if he wants stage 1or 2. As I said above will it make a noticeable difference over a CPR piped VIPER. We are affter a good set up ZR-900. We are very close to him know. Also a ZRT 800 with what we think is a 980 kit. He knows he won't beat him but he would like to get very close. So what do you guys think....Gary.
Judah Ben-Hur,
Good seeing you to... Hope you can come up and do some running ... Bring all your stuff I can give ya some pointers between rounds.

I miss you to... ;-) LOL

Need Snow,
I think there is under 10hp difference between a Stage I and Stage II (you will have to check with Jeff on that one...). My bud also has a CPR Piped Viper and I can tell you that I will beat him with the 780. It makes a lot of difference... I don't think you will have a problem with the ZR900. Depending on the set up you should be right there with the 980. I may be racing in a test-n-tune this Sunday against a 1??? ThunderCat with D&D Pipes. Supposed to make 1??hp, the guy wont tell me, but I know I can get him. I'll let you know...

I know that if your brother is 'thinking about it...' and he has the $$$$, I would go for it. Like I said before... It Rocks!!!

Any other questions please let me know...

''Buster696'' My brother is very serous about it. ''AIRWOLF'' gave us his number so my brother is calling him this weekend to find out how his stage 2 run's. Thanks ''696'' for the help...Gary.
Buster, do you want to start the server again and we can start posting our classic season of 2003-04. I think it's time, Tim is getting a Dell this week and he will be up all night from here out posting. He has never had a computer at home before. Hey, for your sake and all his mouth running we might not want to tell him about TY. On the other hand every one here likes to mod their stuff. Tim might just see what we see. Anyway I just put speakers and a CD player in his truck today and he is stoked about this season. Let me know if you want me to start putting the vids and stills online, I will start a site that we can all have access to. Let me know.

Side note, my next door neighbor came over today and we started talking about all the machined parts on our sleds. That is what he does for a living. He ended up leaving with my brand new bender catalog that just arrived. He pointed out all the fancy machined items and almost went into cadiac arest when he saw the prices. He said he can make the bar ends for less than a dollar from scrap, spindle caps for .50 and 100 at a time, powder coated in your choice (chrome was extra). The RX-1 muffler tips that are machined Bender wants almost 100.00 for he said that is a 10.00 part. He is looking at the book and he wants to take some of my parts in. He also powder coats at his house and work. Bottom line he would like to make some side cash this winter. Let me know.

