1995 V-max 600 Headgasket Mod?


New member
Sep 14, 2003
I have a 95 V-max 600 with PSI Twin Pipes on it. I've heard that I can take one of the two head gaskets (shims) off the head for increased HP. Also, I'm planning on removing the airbox baffle, and installing a set of Boyesen Reeds. Besides re-jetting, is there anything else I should do? I know I will need to run premium fuel in it when I get done as well. Is that all?

By the way, how many layers of the headgasket should I remove? Also, where can I get a set of reed spacers for this sled, and how much would they cost?
You already have a thin head gasket in it.

the 1995 600cc twins came stock with a .6mm head gasket.That was the thinnest one they made!! In 1996 they made em' thicker,changed the pipe and maybe changed porting/port timing-stock.The vmax 600cc twins were known for thier sometimes lean midranges-especially when piped.It was popular to put a thinner head gasket in a 96' and up 600cc twin for a little more power. The 700cc single pipe trips you could "peel" one layer off-but the durability of the gasket suffered sometimes. Give gary at maxximum perf. a call-they used to sell alot of clutch kits for psi pipes(they sold them too!)-good clutching,reeds,**jetting**-very important!
If you go any further-you may be sending your cylinders in to be replated!
I had a 95' 600-put 6000+miles on it , last year I owned it I put the GYT twins on it. Took me 3-4 weeks to get it running right-I think I almost liked it better stock?? Hope this helps-Matt
