First post! I am really having a hard time dialing in the handling of my 2008 Nytro. I find the front end corners very heavily and the rear is very light...very unnerving. This sled has thrown me twice and I am a seasoned sledder. I met two previous Nytro owners and they disliked the hanlding of their sleds so much they sold them after 250 miles. I really like mine and need help! These owners also told me that the front suspension or clips (?) bend very easily and when looking at mine said they thought the arms were already off> measured this by distance between shock and arms being equal and mine were not. Anyway. This sled so far from a handling standpoint is scary - and any advice would help.
You gotta ride aggressively plus seating position helps a lot. I ride with my feet behind me & gut over the gas tank. It works great like this. Also when turning tight corners; brakehard/gas hard. this sled ain,t a touring sled & has gotta be ridden aggresively. a lot of people bought em thinking they were getting a cruise....they ain,t!!!
Thanks. I agree with what you said. Have you heard of any serious issues with the construction of the front suspension components?
I have banged the crap out my suspension plus i am a heavy guy. 1200 miles & mine is fine. Never really looked at other ones.
New member
Could change ski's!
I have known guys have changed their ski's and it has really improved the handling on this sled. Is your track studded? I know they did change the geometry in the 09's. As far as front end ball joints and front a arms bending, I would say it isn't a real big issue.
I have known guys have changed their ski's and it has really improved the handling on this sled. Is your track studded? I know they did change the geometry in the 09's. As far as front end ball joints and front a arms bending, I would say it isn't a real big issue.
As far as the front end goes yamaha must know of a problem because ALOT of guys I know with the 08 nytros are having big problems with the front end tweaking as was posted here and yami dealers in my area are working with yamaha to fix them. Plus yamaha redid the front end geometry for 09. Basically to me the 08 seems to have front end design flaws.. it is a first year totally new sled. But at least yami had the guts to redo it a bit for 09. I would trade it for an 09 personally.
Don't give up on it!
Send MrSled a private message or check out the 4 stroke side of TY, there are allot of guys over there that have these sleds figured out and are very happy with them.
I know one of the easy and quik steering fix's was to simply flip the ski rubber around under the spindle, it moves the weight towards the rear of the ski and really helps out with the darting/hunting.
Send MrSled a private message or check out the 4 stroke side of TY, there are allot of guys over there that have these sleds figured out and are very happy with them.
I know one of the easy and quik steering fix's was to simply flip the ski rubber around under the spindle, it moves the weight towards the rear of the ski and really helps out with the darting/hunting.
since part of this problem is stock skis.. I was wondering why does yamaha seem to refuse to change the ski design??
New member
one of my magazines said that there are 5,000 patents out there involving skis. yes, that seems like a lot to me too. that is why yamaha is having a hard time designing some new skis. i would think yamaha could just pay somebody to lease their design, but you know yamaha won't do that!
....since part of this problem is stock skis.. I was wondering why does yamaha seem to refuse to change the ski design??....
There has been ALOT of talk on this subject and the reality of it is that there are no designs on ski's that are not already under patent - something like 5000 ski patents out there!! - it isn't that they won't change the design, they don't have any to choose from - what they need to do is hook up with one of the manufacturer's and put someone else's ski's on their sleds - but again, which one would they put on?? - it would be nice if tracks, ski's, studs, clutching, etc. were all offered as options like on a car - you could order your sled with it equiped to the style of riding you do - I guess there is too much money in the aftermarket business for that to ever happen!!
There has been ALOT of talk on this subject and the reality of it is that there are no designs on ski's that are not already under patent - something like 5000 ski patents out there!! - it isn't that they won't change the design, they don't have any to choose from - what they need to do is hook up with one of the manufacturer's and put someone else's ski's on their sleds - but again, which one would they put on?? - it would be nice if tracks, ski's, studs, clutching, etc. were all offered as options like on a car - you could order your sled with it equiped to the style of riding you do - I guess there is too much money in the aftermarket business for that to ever happen!!
yammiman said:what they need to do is hook up with one of the manufacturer's and put someone else's ski's on their sleds
That is what I was thinking and to me a ski is no different then a quad with maxx tires or a new sled with camoplast track..
If they can use a certain company that is not them for tracks, why not skis?
I mean people complain all the time about how the crappy bottom line tires on their $30,000 car ruin the ride/handling of it but there is alot of cars to chose from.. There is really only four sled manufacturers in the us and yami seems to always be tagged as worse handling. They build these big new sleds with tons of ingenuity and then put skis on them that are ten year old design and never were a very good one to begin with.. If I were to pay 8-10k for a new sled.. the damn thing had better have the best handling out there. My rev has way better control then my yami, both have stock skis. If doo, cat , polaris can make new designs here and there yamaha can too.
The guy I got my rev from said his 08 nytro was wrecked because he had a hard time with front end handling and hit a tree with the right ski while trying to corner a trail turn.
The more I look "outside" the box.. the more excuses I see being made for stupid decisions by a company that is better then that.
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USI used to make yamaha's ski's.
Its just weird how alot of yamaha owners of new yamis seem to have inherit issues as some of us with old yamis. I would have thought a stand up company like yamaha known for quality and above average standards would have done something about these issues by now. I just dont understand that part sometimes.. but I also know its a first year sled for yamaha too..