Help wanted with 136 extension on 98 SRX


New member
Jun 4, 2007
Western Upper Peninsula of Michigan
Hey gang--

Was wondering if there is anyone out there to help a mechanicaly challenged--at least when it comes to sleds--with some guidance on a project I hope to undertake this summer.

I have a 1998 SRX Power Valve 700 with a stock suspension set up. Since the little bugger just rips, I would LOVE to extend the 121 (with a 1.25 track) to a 136 with at least a 1.5 track--would prefer a 2-incher but have been told that means some re-gearing would be involved.

In addition, I would like to put an 8-inch riser on the bars...I'm 6'4" with vertebras starting to go to hell so I would love to be able to stand up and ride without having to take a couple of Percodans before I hit the trail.

Concerning the track extension, I've been told all I need is the rails, tunnel and of course the track. It's my understanding that everything would "bolt in place". Was also told that if I keep the track to 1.75 inches or go with the 1.5 incher, no gear changes would be required.

Is there a real noticable performance difference between the 1.5 and 2" paddle?...enough to make the added work and expense worth it? Will the sled's performance be just as good without an M-10 suspension upgrade?

Also, where is the best place (s) to order the longer brake and throttle cables that will be needed for the riser upgrade? Will I need any other cable replacements?

Maybe there's a link or two that someone has already posted on the site that goes through the process and answers a lot, most or all of my questions?

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

I know nothing about long tracking this sled but I've been tempted by's 136" combo deal of a track, rail and tunnel extension for like $500....
you can either go rail extensions and make your 121 skid a 136 or buy the rails and bolt all your stuff to them, then you simply bolt the skid back in the sled as before. The tunnel extension is very simple if you use the stock yamaha 136 tunnel extension, this way your stock rear cooler will all go right back into it, they used them on the 98 mtn srx,early 97-99 mtn max's. The tunnel will have holes and such all align up for rivets. You can also go with a aftermarket tunnel extension, the only thing is your stock rear cooler wont fit and youll need to change out the cooler for a flat design, the flat design holds a little less water then stock. A 1.75" lug track is as big as you can fit with the stock 9 tooth drivers, youll need to remove the front heat exchanger protetors and tunnel protectors if equipped. I have ran a 1.75 on a 136 srx and then went to a 1.50" and really they would get about the same traction, the 1.50" would have better topend.
