New newbie


New member
Oct 24, 2003
Ive been lurking at this site since finding it about a week ago, finally decided to jump in. The information contained herein is nothing short of amazing! I havent ridden a sled for nearly 20 years (the last time I rode, it was the "brand new" Kawasaki liquid cooled 440.) Anyway, I was driving past a used car lot about a month ago when it was nearly 90 degrees outside and saw a clean looking red sled up on the ramp. On a whim I turned in and asked about it. It's a 98 MM700 with just over 1600 miles on it that someone had got a title loan on back in January and quit making payments so the car lot repo'ed it. We haggled a bit and I left with it in the back of my truck for $2000 US. Drove it directly to the local Yamaha dealer and found an old friend of mine works there. Left it for a winter tune up and to have it checked out, turns out the only thing it needed was a new handwarmer grip, it's almost like new. I got it home and bored the silencer, thinned the head gasket, added a mountain strap, 2" riser, and some aluminum edge rails on the running boards (2" riser block leaves very little play in the throttle cable and brake lines, I think I'll take it off and shave 1/4" off) - all things I read about first here. I want to ride it a little before piping it so i can tell what difference it makes. Clutching and jetting still seem a bit over my head but I'm looking forward to learning it as I get back into the sport. I used to ride motor bikes and am a pretty aggressive rider, I live in Idaho near plenty of excellent mountain riding spots and have joined the local riders club. Ever since I bought that sled Ive been literally dreaming of going riding - I haven't been this excited in years. Now if it will just snow.
Sorry for the long post, just wanted to introduce myself and give a shout out to everyone who contributes to this outstanding site!
I'm honored to be the first to invite you...Welcome home!

Prepare your surfing spot, grab the remote control (for watching the local and weather channels), grab a cool beverage of your choosing, and settle into your favorite chair. If you're not riding, tuning your sled, or sleeping, you'll be glued to TY!hehe

Check out all facets of th site, the Tech Page is chocked fulla stuff, sounds like you've already used it wisely!

Also, use the search function. This board is rather new, but has good stuff on it. though, has gagillions of posts racked up, search over there before you post a question. It's also a good way to get a feel for the folks you're chatting with.

Every wednsday night around 10pm central, we had a chat night. Go to the main page and click on the CHAT icon. You can ask anything in there!

Again, welcome home. While Kawasaki isn't making many sleds these days, Yamaha has picked up the slack... :)
97 MM

Welcome to the TY family. I've been an info sponge for about 3 years. Don't post often, just soak up everything I can and pipe up when I feel I have something to contribute. This is the best site I've found on the web for honest info with little BS. (Some good natured ribbing between the folks that know each other though).

Another good site for info with a little more BS are the SnoWest forums. Right now there is an excellent thread going on MM mods. Check it out.

Once again,
Run Max Run!

Get out Max before it's too late. Soon you'll find yourself sitting at your computer in the middle of the night looking for that perfect clutch set up or a deal on decals or some other thing. You'll be taking all your vacation time to go to Muni or somewhere else in BFE to share time with people with the same illness convincing yourself that theres nothing wrong. Did I mention the bills! New skis new pipes, seats, grips, lights suspension fuzzy dice....
Oh the humanity
