I'm 85% sure that I'm going to add a new to me sled to the stable next season,the G-f's health permitting (congestive heart failure), but I'd still like to do some work to the SRX in the steering /handling dept.I've seen where some people have added the pilot skis and wondered if there was anything major that had to be done to add them.The skis I have on it now (2000 SRX) are getting to the point they should be changed due to wear and I'd like to put a decent handling ski on that isn't too aggressively handling.To me it looks like all I'd have to do is shim the sides of the Pilots for the bolts but I'd like the opinion of someone who's done this.
get a set of deep keel 03 rx1 skis, install a set of arctic cat offset dualies on them. you will need to drill two holes in the ski then they bolt right on. they handle amazing, no push, straight as an arrow, no darting what so ever.
New member
Pioneer Performance sells a pilot ski kit for Yamaha's with runners for a decent price.I am not sure what is needed if anything to make them work, but pioneer sells what you'll need and he says it takes care of pushing in the corners and darting.I imagine that its on his website if you wanted to have a look.