Fuel Level..........????


Mar 18, 2008
Flin Flon,Manitoba
Hey guy's guestion for anyone to answer,I'm into my carbs'.I'm doing a pilot change because my girl is loading up on the trails(slow driving-start up)lots of burbbling and smoke.Now I checked the float level and it's sitting at 13.5 across the 3 floats,to me this means a higher fuel level in the bowl.If I was to set the floats to 14 or 15mm would this mean the fuel level would be lower while the carbs are being filled while runnig??? Also has anyone changed these pilots like I am,I'm only guessing I'll have to screw out the pilot screw a little more to richen the idle a bit.I'm going to 40's on the pilot which origanally had 42.5.Hopefully this will help my over rich part throttle problem..
You did not state where the floats are supposed to be set, but I would set them there. Changing the float level will change the fuel supply at all engine speeds which may mean that it would starve at high speed. I do not think that there was a problem with running rich at low speed on the 600's, so look for another reason for it before changing pilot jets. Make sure the enrichener cables have play, check to see that the inlet valves are clean and in good condition, etc.
Hey PZ 1 thank's for the reply.The original or book setting that calls for is 13.3 +/-2mm.I know they are even across all three at just over 13mm.Wondering if I should just leave them at that setting.Also as for the RICHNESS yes when your on a bush trail following a bunch of guy's she loads up.Temp. outside was about-5 cel.so it wasn't really warm but the sled is very smokey and gassey.The only time I found it not so rich was when we had -35to-40.So to try and set those idle screws with the carbs and air box on would be impossible,right?All the cables are set properly as the enricheners are not on at all.I know if the cable was to tight you'd see the plungers out a little.Also everything looked clean as a whistle.
