MM700 blocks the track


Mar 3, 2007
My track blocks when driving over rough bumbs or in more than apr. 80 km/h (50miles/h). Also hear a noise from the skid when starting from still. Have changed the drive axle bearing. Noticed then that the cup that the drive axle bearing is laying in is bad on the edges. The axle has worn on it.
Have checked the secondary clutch, nothing wrong with that.
Will appreciate any suggestions for what it can be. :)
Check your chaincase to make sure that isn't whats locking up. Do you have to do anything to get going again after it happens, or will it take off OK?
That's "medium" loose track. Won't it ratch much when you pin it in the powder?
Mine will, and it is way tighter than that.
Sure, Im coming there on friday. You can pm me, and state the preferred language as well. Stoopid to talk sami to a norwegian and vice verca. I have the shop manual for the sled, and custom jetting on the sled.

There was this guy in scooternorge that had his stock mm dynoed and it only showed like 90 hp (700), after jetting it was 110. (Don't know what jets he used afterwards though).

We could do a heelclicker comparison too if you want, I have a set on my srx, that Ill move to the mm.
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Took off the drive axle yesterday. The drive wheel closest to the clutch had spilt in two.
it must have melted when the drive axle bearing went last season. didnt look so bad when i changed the bearing back then, but must have been melted since the axle was glowing red on that side then...
Maybe someone here would have a drive axle with 8 tooth wheels for MM700 2001? Is 8 tooth the original wheel?


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