chipped viper reeds!!!


New member
Oct 17, 2003
yellowknife,northwest territories canada
Just pulled my reeds out on my 2002 viper for a pre winter inspection and found 3 of the 6 reeds chipped and cracked I only have 2200 k on the sled,this does not seem normal,should I be looking for anything else that might be happening to do this,what would you guys put in for reeds,I dont think I will put stock back in if I have to change them every 2000 k.
Thanks steve
I've had good luck with Carbon Tech reeds, but usually stock units do last longer than that.

Did you have an over rev condition at all? I'm imagining over revving and getting reed flutter...shouldn't be over 8500...?
Hi John,yes it did have a over rev 8700- 8800, I tried bolts on the tips and still could not keep it down!! got a set of hh on the way so that should take care of the over rev,that might have beeen why the reeds were in such bad shape.
thanks Steve
