New member
I'm changing the oil on my Vector, and found an orange O-ring under the sled right after I started it. Nothing leaked, but I panicked and figured it was from the threaded part by the filter, so I removed the filter quickly, tossed the ring in, retightened the filter, and fired it up. The thing leaked like a sieve. Where might this oring have come from...or am I completely screwing this up somehow? Thanks
New member
Never mind! I figggured it was the o-ring from the dipstick that I had dropped! Thought it would have been strange the other way! Oh well, won't make that mistake again! There's bound to be others, tho.
New member
sommerfliesby said:Never mind! I figggured it was the o-ring from the dipstick that I had dropped! Thought it would have been strange the other way! Oh well, won't make that mistake again! There's bound to be others, tho.
one quick way to never have an issue like this again o any 4 stroke motor witha filter is to verify the O ring/ gasket from the old filter is on the old filter when you take it off the motor. then verify there is an o ring/ gasket on the new filter. I verify this when I use oil to lube the new gasket up.
that way you never run into this issue again

unless you get a gasket on a new filter that fails upon startup, which has happened to a buddy of mine who's dad used to own an oil change shop. but that was one time in how many thousands of oil changes....I personally have never seen it happen.