broken limiter strap/blown track

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New member
Apr 5, 2007
My 07 Apex RTX blew the track at 1500 mi. It's studded with 144 down the middle. After it blew I noticed the limiter strap was broken.

Does anyone besides myelf think the limiter caused the failure? I could have rode it like that for 400mi. or more with out noticing. I was on a cross-country trip that we did about 600mi. The track blew the next weekend giong across a lake


I do think that a broken limiter strap could cause the front of the suspension to drop enough for the rails to spear the track and tear the track in half.....however I don't think it is very likely that it would happen going accross a smooth lake. I also think there is a good chance that when your track blew it hooked a rail and that caused your limiter strap to break. Was it a sudden explosion or could you actually hear the track coming apart before it failed completely?

Was the lake rough or drifted? Possibly the limiter strap broke which caused the track to tighten up and break instantly. If the limiter strap had been broken before the track blew, I think the sled would have sat higher when you were not on the sled, and you would have noticed that. It would also have changed the ride.
I disagree

Sorry PZ 1 but a broken limiter strap will NOT cause a sled to sit higher when your are not on the sled. The limiter strap is completely loose until the front end of the sled comes up in the air. Take a look under your sled when it is just sitting there.....the limiter strap will have quite a bit of slack in it. Additionally it will NOT affect the "ride". The only affect it will have on ride is how high the front end will come up in the air when you punch it off a start.

Thanks for the replies. It's still a mystery to me. I think the broken strap caused the rails to rack to one side and create more friction, then heat, then delamination of the track.
I didn't notice the track delaminating, but when it blew it was like I blew a belt. The side that blew was the side with the broken stap.
Madmatt said:
Sorry PZ 1 but a broken limiter strap will NOT cause a sled to sit higher when your are not on the sled. The limiter strap is completely loose until the front end of the sled comes up in the air. Take a look under your sled when it is just sitting there.....the limiter strap will have quite a bit of slack in it. Additionally it will NOT affect the "ride". The only affect it will have on ride is how high the front end will come up in the air when you punch it off a start.

Well Matt, different sleds are different and the 2007 Apex suspension could very well be different, but I did go look at my Pro-Action suspension and with the sled sitting on the ground, the front straps are as tight as a fiddle string. That can of course change depending on the strap adjustment and spring settings. I remember some Ski-Doo's that would sit very high when the front strap was unhooked - different sled, but like I said.....

And changing the length of the strap (or it being broken) will certainly change the ride. The angle of attack of the track will change, as well as the ski pressure/track pressure which both make a big difference in the ride. That is why some sleds have an adjust-on-the-fly setting. The shock and spring stroke will also change. Try it some time and see how much difference it makes. I have been setting my sleds the way I like the strap adjustment for many years - and the take-off was not the reason.

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OK, if you can tell me what Yamaha sled comes with an "adjust on the fly" LIMITER STRAP adjustment then please fill me in. I'll be glad to shut up. If your sleds limiter straps are "fiddle string" tight when the sled is sitting there it must corner really well and spin really badly. Hope you enjoy it.

stop attacking one another please. everyone has merits in their thinking on this question and we dont want this thread closed because two people cant see eye to eye.

yamaha does not have adjustable on the fly limiter straps. but some models require tighter settings an no they arent always loose, or always tight sitting on the sled or not sitting on the sled. if the limiters were loose on a sled, the sled wouldnt sit any higher nor cause extra weight to be placed to the track. but on the other hand, if the limiters were tighter when you released the limiters, the sled would sit a little higher. so two theories wrong AND right. agree to disagree and move on.

in my opinion, this sled has two limiter straps. (like most if not all yamaha sleds) so the front arm would stay in the same position. quite a few other manufacturers only have one strap, and their suspensions work fine and dont rip tracks. the track failed possibly due to a studding issue, a prior impact to the track from a log, rock, train tracks, storage, being out in the weather, subjected to harsh chemicals, hard to tell why they fail.

you probably could have rode it for quite awhile with no issues at all without knowing the one strap broke. the track ripping may have broke the strap especially if you through a chunk of track with studs and it was beating around in there while you were cruising to a stop after the failure. the straps ride under the center belt area (where yours is studded). so you may have reversal of fortune on the theory of what happend.

sorry we cant offer you more than speculations. as for the two above argueing, STOP IT! go to your rooms and come out when you can play nice together. LOL!!

lets keeps this light and fun guys. ski
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OK, if you can tell me what Yamaha sled comes with an "adjust on the fly" LIMITER STRAP adjustment then please fill me in. I'll be glad to shut up. If your sleds limiter straps are "fiddle string" tight when the sled is sitting there it must corner really well and spin really badly. Hope you enjoy it.

Just saw this thread 2008 Yamaha Apex Gt Anniversary Edition, is one for instance that uses adjustable limiter straps on the fly with one of the bar switches. Just sayin.
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