How many miles do you have on your motorcycle?


May 16, 2003
Lockport ny
Just wondering how many miles i can go before an engine rebuild.Right now i have a 04 r1 with 7000 miles on it.
blueblooded said:
Just wondering how many miles i can go before an engine rebuild.Right now i have a 04 r1 with 7000 miles on it.

Your r1 has a valve adjustment interval of 25000 miles IIRC. It may be 20,000 miles, but even then, it merely needs a shim job at that point.

You can easily rack up 50,000 miles on it before even needing to think of compression or any other item such as re ringing it. Pay attention to your clutch, as you may need to replace plates and springs at some point after 20k or more, depending on how rough or easy you are on the clutch.

My TL has a 16k valve adjustment interval, and even at 16k, it was still within specs. I am having it shimmed this spring for riding season with over 20k on it now. I know of several guys with 40-60 k on their TL's with nothing more than oil changes, and normal maintenance.

the R1 is a evry nicely built bike, keep tires on it, change oil and filter every 3k, feel for clutch wear, you will know when it is near its end, and change brake fluid whe it gets a couple years old, and you will be fine. Oh, remember to watch for chain tension, and lube the chain to ensure it lasts. You should be able to get 15-25k out of a chain and sprocket set.

7k is nothing, for now change the oil, and keep the chain at proper tension, and lubed. When you get to 70k, you might want to think about it, but most bikes don't roll those kinds of miles.

in a good summer I put on 10k on my bikes, and there really isn't much work to do.
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shortstop20 said:
No worries at 7K, cacsrx1 has about 18,000 miles I think on his '05 and he hasn't had to touch the motor that I know of. I'm sure he'll chime in.
Wow you must think I never shut it off. I have 5600 miles on mine. Book says set the valves at 24000, most guys wait untill 30000. Do regular mantinence and just ride the crap out of it.
Not 100%, I think I have over 43,000 miles on my 1989 FZR 400, re-shimmed the valves 10 years ago or so. I bought the bike used in 1990 with 1,700 miles on it. Bike still runs good, a couple of quirks but it is getting old!

Later - D
Sweet!!! It looks like my bike has a long life ahead of it.I love riding my bike but i hate putting the milage on it,wish it could be new forever.LOL
