Need help / info on buying or building a 2-up sled


VIP Member
Dec 18, 2005
My daughter who is 9 is a huge snowmobile lover and loves to ride . I think it's great execpt , she doesn't fit on my current sled . I thought about a seatjack for the Vector , but the mono suspension on the Vector isn't quick adustable for her added weight . So my thought was to get a backup sled that is 2-up or put a 2-up seat on a solo sled , because my budget is limited , so are my options . Now I haven't paid any attention over the past years to the touring style sleds because I would never have to own one .... oops , so .....
1) What should I look for and look out for in touring sled .
2) Info / comments on putting a 2-up seat on on a solo sled , 121 or 136 .
3) Which Yamahas had easy weight adjustability .
4) Putting a Polaris , Ski Doo suspension in a Yamaha to get quick weight adjust ( I like the yami's and in SE MN they don't seem to hold thier value like the other brands might find a better deal) .
5) Buy now as deals might be better this time of year , wait for Haydays this fall for better selection .
Just for info I had a 98 600 sx and loved it's oil consumption and MPGs , just not the suspension , but with the gas prices the way they are I'm leaning twards a 600 or 700 for better milage .
doc said:
My daughter who is 9 is a huge snowmobile lover and loves to ride . I think it's great execpt , she doesn't fit on my current sled . I thought about a seatjack for the Vector , but the mono suspension on the Vector isn't quick adustable for her added weight . So my thought was to get a backup sled that is 2-up or put a 2-up seat on a solo sled , because my budget is limited , so are my options . Now I haven't paid any attention over the past years to the touring style sleds because I would never have to own one .... oops , so .....
1) What should I look for and look out for in touring sled .
2) Info / comments on putting a 2-up seat on on a solo sled , 121 or 136 .
3) Which Yamahas had easy weight adjustability .
4) Putting a Polaris , Ski Doo suspension in a Yamaha to get quick weight adjust ( I like the yami's and in SE MN they don't seem to hold thier value like the other brands might find a better deal) .
5) Buy now as deals might be better this time of year , wait for Haydays this fall for better selection .
Just for info I had a 98 600 sx and loved it's oil consumption and MPGs , just not the suspension , but with the gas prices the way they are I'm leaning twards a 600 or 700 for better milage .

well, I got my first 2 up, and first yami this fall. a 97 venture 600twin.

I think you have to look pretty hard to get a 121" 2 up, and I can't see why you would ever want one. Yami did make a few though in 121, but I wouldn't get one.

I rode 2 up on my 2up almsot exclusively this year. It rode great. I am 240lbs, and my Gf about half that, and the proaction skid worked great, even at 50 mph through stutter bumps. I was pretty impressed with the ride. I wish it had more weigth transfer, but a set of transfer rods would help I hear.

for a 2 up, the proaction is good. IMHO, jsut not quickly adjustable, but I really don't think it is necessary if you ride 2 up all the time on it like I do.

I put a .92" camoplast on it from a doo, and ran 108 studs I bought from Rich here on TY.

I also put SRX skis on it, since the stock steelies pushed way too much.

The 600 twin even with smart carbs got ~10mpg no better no worse, and the oil consumption was terrible, but my oil pump is due for replacement, so it dumps more in than needed.

I would see if you can find a 600 or 700 triple venture instead of the twins for gas reasons. I picked mine up in fall for 1600 with like 5500 miles on it.

we ran into the issue that the canadian dollar is worth more than the US dollar, and all the used liquid 2 up sleds were quickly bought by canadians. So, they were kinda in low supply and high demand here in WI, and I assume that would eb the case in MN as well.

Good luck.
i build 2up mtn sleds, i know it sounds odd but i use them for backcountry ski access, so i reide 2 people, ski gear and at times dogs. my experience is nearly any sled can be made into a 2up.

The 2 stroke venture seats can be used on a number of 2 storke sleds and can be found forsale. i ran them on phazer II's and 00' MM700's. it's a pretty easy switch and the MM has the proaction suspension which seem to hold the weight of 2 guys and gear. the 4 stroke's are a bit more difficult in that the exhaust is located above the tunnel, i've wanted to try a 4stroke venture seat on an RX1.

this year i converted an RX1 mtn into a true mtn sled with 2up capabilities and it works great. however i put in an m7 153 skid with overload leaf spring from a AC 2up sled, it works great flip up the overloads for 2 people, flip them down for 1. i ran the exhaust under the tunnel and put on a 162x16x 2.5 camo extreme track, and have a reinforced seat bracket and backrest, it works great although its a little difficult to envision. a buddy has an apex with the seat jack, the issue is the height of the rider in the rear increases the center of gravity and makes the sled 'tippy'.

i can send you pics of sleds i've built if you'd like? and if you're real interested in purchasing another sled i have 2) 1998 yamaha venture 500's they're in the garage as we speak. both had seized engines and are being rebuilt correctly bottom ends and all. the sleds themselves are in great shape and could easily be converted to 600's, i intend to sell at least one of them in the fall. email if you're interested>

I found a Ski Doo ' 03 Grand Touring 800 SDI in Wis. , was wondering if they were good or bad engines ? I've read all the bad press about Doo engines and was wondering about unbias opinions about this engine in particular , it's not going to get a lot of miles as it'll be a backup sled , but hate to throw money at it if '03's were bad .
doc said:
I found a Ski Doo ' 03 Grand Touring 800 SDI in Wis. , was wondering if they were good or bad engines ? I've read all the bad press about Doo engines and was wondering about unbias opinions about this engine in particular , it's not going to get a lot of miles as it'll be a backup sled , but hate to throw money at it if '03's were bad .

Naw, it is a good sled. Remember we are on a yami site. What else would you expect.

Had the deal we had going not fallen through to a relative buying it out as he had 1st dibs, we would have bought an 03 doo grand touring 500 LC, instead of the venture 600.

I have rented a couple of those same chassis doo 2 ups, and the only thing I did not like about them was that they only rented our 550 fan cooled ones, and they did not have enough power.
2 up seat

I have a friend in town that has a two up seat that will bolt on any pro-action sled.....121 or 136 & up. This guy had it on a 2000 V-Max 600 121" and it worked great. Yamaha got BIG $$ for these seats $750 or somthing crazy like that. This is a true two up seat with the adjustable back, heated grips for the passenger and all. I think he said he would sell it for like $300 shipped. If you think you might be interested, let me know and I'll put you in touch with him.

