The slack in the steering of my SRX is really starting to bother me and I believe it's the tie rod ends that are wore and need attention/replacement.I really noticed how slack it was compared to other sleds when on an afternoon run this past winter when I "leaned" on the handlebars of an older Cat and there was no slack at all I mean zero.I've read Scotts thread on tightening the front end up on the Proaction sleds and even done some shimming on a few bushings to tighten up the clearances but the slack I've got is in the tie rod ends.Has anyone got a high quality replacement source?The oem ones are in my opinion too expensive so I'm looking elsewhere.
Are you sure its not the plastic blocks that the steering column goes through? My buddies srx had alot of slop,he changes those blocks and it was way better.
I actually thought about that same thing last fall and tightened the upper one up but I've still got the slack.I may just try moving the steering shaft itself around and see if I can pin point the movement if it is in the lower set of blocks or not.