96 DX 600 (XT) Runs Rich


New member
Nov 22, 2006
I have a 1996 600 DX with 600 miles on it which I acquired earlier this year. Which I know why they wanted rid of now. The first time I got onto the snow it ran really bad this year, it was very rich except at wide open. So I took the carbs apart cleaned them rejetted to my elevation (4000 ft) and changed the pilot jets from 50.0 to 47.5. This worked better to a degree. Then I lowered the needles all the way and this helped the mid range, over 1/4 throttle- which is now fine. Since then I have replaced the inlet needles and seats, replaced the floats, checked the choke system for hangups, and cleaned the air jets and passages. Set the float heigth to spec 24.5 mm. Had it out yesterday it stills runs rich at 1/4 throttle. Tried some 45 pilots which helped a little also have the fuel screws only 1/2 turn out. Since this is a 96 it has fuel idle screws and not the air screws that my 95 has. Also looked at the reeds and they look good. Any thoguhts as I am running out of ideas???

This thing should do better than about 5 MPG on a good trail, my 95 600 will get about 10-12 MPG.

I thought about taking the front part of some extra 94 carbs I have and putting them on in place of these, that would give me a slow speed air screw again in instead of the fixed jet.

