Battery Charger - type recommendation


New member
Nov 15, 2007
Belleville, ON. CA
I am considering a low current battery charger for my Ventures battery. I have several chargers but their lowest rating is 2A although they may likely charge lower than that in that setting. I would consider a low cost small charger if available.
skidooboy said:
battery tender brand, only one i use. ski
Hmmm "battery tender", is that a name brand. Well I am in Canada, Toronto area if you like. I would like something I can get my hands on here. I used to see some looking like a big A/C adapter rated at 1A DC charge but they were unregulated and intended for trickle charging. Might do the trick but checking first to see what some of you are using. My battery is new and I know I shouldn't let it just sit their.

one of the most well known name brands. should be able to get in in canada. i use the battery tender jr. myself. i buy the adpaters for all batteries i have at the house, bikes, sleds, tractor, even autos. then i just rotate plugging them in they all keep there charge and are ready for use when needed. ski
i have a charger that for years i have been saving batteries with. a guy that runs electric cars told me about them. he gets free batteries and saves most of them. i have saved many over the years with it and it has a system built in to leave it on a battery for years. i have done just that. i have a few used batteries i keep around for use in sleds, cars, electric kiddy cars and once in a while i move the charger to the next battery just to keep them all fresh. the charger has never missed a lick. when the rx1 came out, yamaha started selling them in the accessory book. they are called the optimate charger. they will desulfate a battery and charges it on a series of pulses that it is constantly regualting and somehow all that magic actulally works.

for the first year i had this thing everyone started bringing batteries to me to try to fix. i can only think of one that i could not get to charge. it is even dummy proof, you can hook it up backwards and it just shuts itself off.

if your going to get a tricle charger, you may as well have one that you can use for more than just that.
Yes, I found info on the Optima III SP charger. It's made by a UK Co., but export to US etc for North American power sources and some are renamed. From what I see its as 1.2A charger and quite adequate for rec vehicle batteries such as snowmobiles. For autos it likely requires connection for a week or so at that rate to fix or charge a weak battery. Its difficult to find a Canadian source however several we listed there sites did not indicated they carried it. This even included Yamaha Canada. Hmmm....Listing is $59US for this bad boy!
