Anyone else completely depressed without sledding in thier life with another season over?? I bought an atv which is fun, no where near my sleds though... damn I miss that thing!! I'm depressed 
I'm seriously considering turning/trading one of mine in/for a grass/asphalt drag sled.. I can't wait till next winter to ride em again, lol!!

I'm seriously considering turning/trading one of mine in/for a grass/asphalt drag sled.. I can't wait till next winter to ride em again, lol!!
maxout1 your not the only one.
BenderSRX said:maxout1 your not the only one.
I know but it makes me feel better to hear others in the same situation, lol!!
New member
Still snow in Alaska I here! I saw some great sledding picture on a show several mounts ago. However, even hear in Ontario it is not in my backyard. Probably 5 day drive.
Ya it sucks without snow. Stuck with the 4-wheelers which aren't bad.
quads are ok but here in ny a quad = having to ride illegally unless you got property and I hate riding on property that I'm not allowed.. I like sleds cause I can ride for hours and actually feel like I belong/wanted where I am.
i hear ya bro. Now that winter is over its like what is there to look forward to now. Ya I have a boat and love to go fishing but that is just to pass the time.
Maybe I should move to greenland
Maybe I should move to greenland
New member
Holy s..., I'm glad I'm not the only one. Bought a Rhino for the summer months, but it don't give ya the rush riding sleds do. Took the covers off this weekend just to stare at them, got to love that yamaha blue.
New member
I'm only pissed cuz of the lack of miles this year, which is sad considering there was some of best snow we've had in years and I only did 700 miles. If I felt fulfilled then I would be ok, but all I think about is sledding/snow/trails/mods/sledding/mods/snow/lack of miles/mods/mods/mods/mods........
Did I mention that I really think about getting some mods done on the old girl?
Skis, skid, front shocks, boss seat, track, wheels, chromoly trailing arms,control rods, new foot traction....that's good enough, oh a maybe some mild trail porting.
Did I mention that I really think about getting some mods done on the old girl?
Skis, skid, front shocks, boss seat, track, wheels, chromoly trailing arms,control rods, new foot traction....that's good enough, oh a maybe some mild trail porting.
turn it into asphalt!!!!!!!!!!maxout01 said:Anyone else completely depressed without sledding in thier life with another season over?? I bought an atv which is fun, no where near my sleds though... damn I miss that thing!! I'm depressed
I'm seriously considering turning/trading one of mine in/for a grass/asphalt drag sled.. I can't wait till next winter to ride em again, lol!!
Just by lookin at the video I think a grass sled would be a cheaper route, lol!!
What has to be done to a stock sled for grass drags anyone know??
i wonder how much a track and the skis cost? And how much jetting had to be done to run in 80 degree weather? Hmmmmmm with a slightly modded 97 sx triple? lol
New member
maxout01 said:Anyone else completely depressed without sledding in thier life with another season over?? I bought an atv which is fun, no where near my sleds though... damn I miss that thing!! I'm depressed
I'm seriously considering turning/trading one of mine in/for a grass/asphalt drag sled.. I can't wait till next winter to ride em again, lol!!
Nope, I have boating season, and motorcycling season to keep me occupied.
Plus we are in full on house search mode now. If that isn't enough, I am very occupied with my saltwater reef tank obsession.
What other hobbies do you have?
used to fish.. now I work 7 days a week.. bought a quad to ride at work. We have a motocross track on property out back. I pretty much don't have time for anything until the winter months.. that's how I got addicted!!

If you come up to Northern Manitoba,there is still snow falling as I type.
New member
Allvipedup said:I'm only pissed cuz of the lack of miles this year, which is sad considering there was some of best snow we've had in years and I only did 700 miles. If I felt fulfilled then I would be ok, but all I think about is sledding/snow/trails/mods/sledding/mods/snow/lack of miles/mods/mods/mods/mods........
Did I mention that I really think about getting some mods done on the old girl?
Skis, skid, front shocks, boss seat, track, wheels, chromoly trailing arms,control rods, new foot traction....that's good enough, oh a maybe some mild trail porting.
Put that Boss Seat at the top of your list. I bought a SRX off a fellow TYer that was equipped with a Boss High Rise. The 100 miles I put on(end of the season ride) I fell in love with the sit down comfort and the quick sit to stand position. They really do make a world of diff. its just coughing up the $500 for the seat but IMO its fully worth it.