one more to the dark side


New member
Oct 2, 2003
Southern Manitoba, Canada
it is now official...I now belong to the 4 stroke clan. Just picked up a 06 nytro. hope it treats me as well as my ol' viper did!! Going to miss the sound of that tripple once she sells, but it is time to try something else.
same thing i had just got ride of it.movingto florida in the fall. so no longer needed it.i loved it thoghu.never any problems except with the back wheels.
BenderSRX said:
Sled looks awsome rancidjo. I have a set of skis that would look very purdy on that sled.
I just bought this sled and will be changing the all the yellow, so far i bought the same skis in black and these are for sale.

those are very nice skis...but...i have a set of black c&a outlaws hanging on the wall that I want to try first. If I like them I will buy a set of yellow loops to throw on them

Went for a "quick" burn on the grass today before I put it away....looks like its going to be a LONG summer!!!!!
