how much play in clutch


VIP Member
Feb 5, 2006
Ballston Spa, ny
I summarized my sleds finally. skidoo was easy, yamaha was not... oh well. but anyhow I took the belts off both sleds before I put em away and the skidoo has no play in the clutch, and my yami's clutch I can slide back and forth almost 1/4" to 1/2" on the shaft. Is this normal cause I don't recall from years past?
That sounds like an awful lot of play to me. Id say its normal to have a little play in the clutch (if you can wiggle it a little bit thats OK), but if you can slide it back and forth on the shaft that much, Id say thats something you should be looking into.
If you are referring to the secondary it is supposed to be a floating style and by that I mean it will work back and forth on the jackshaft but if it is moving a 1/2" then I'd say you've got issues like missing shims or some such thing.The one on my SRX will move about 1/4" mabey 3/8" at the most.
yea the secondary is what I'm talking about.

I'm starting to think the shifting problems I was talking about in the winter on here may have been signs of a problem. I checked it out then but everything looked fine.
My skidoo the secondary shifts very slightly, the yamaha I took the belt off and the whole secondary is easily slid back and forth on the shaft at least 1/4 to 1/2". I never noticed that much play the last three years I had the sled. It was one of those things you didn't pay too much attention to in the past but subconsciously you think to yourself.. what the hell, that seems different?
Another thing I noticed too is that the yami smokes like crazy and uses waaaaayyyy more oil then the doo. When I pulled the plugs on both to spray some fogging oil down the cylinders, the doo plugs looked right where they should and the yami plugs were very coated in oil. Almost surprised me they didnt foul out.
I'm thinking the yami might need a complete check up. Seems like it's pretty worn in this year. I guess 1400 miles a season takes it toll, lol!
I was thinking about selling the yami, but my girlfreind wants it, and I'm pretty attached to it, so it might be a good year to start tearing it down some and going through every little thing I can. I just don't want to dump a ton of money into it, especially not knowing if the girl freind will actually ride it that much. I will still though so I guess it's worth it, lol!
I don't know much of anything about the clutching. Is that something I should have the dealer look at?(My dealer is a little family business, nice guys.)
If I remember right some of the oil pumps on the SX twins were known to go to full flow from something internal going bad but I'm not sure if thats you problem there or not,sounds like it might be.One other thing you might check is the oil pump cable to make sure it's seated in properly and not pulled out of the metal adjuster coupler.This has been known to happen more than one if anyone has ever been under the hood messing with throttle adjustments or such the cable will pull up slightly and cause the oil pump to flow wayyyyy more.There should be pics in the tech section explaining the oil pump cable adjustment in case you've never done it before.Hope this helps.
Max try a search on oil cable adjuments,me and others have posted tons
on this,you can get usage down with adjusting the cable.

i got the wifes 500 dialed in at around 45-47:1....
spring through fall I work 6-7 days a week, 10-12hrs a day.
winter months I work 5 days a week, 8 hrs a day

Now you see why I got addicted to sleds!! They are the only thing to do when I got time off to do it, lol!!
