Stator going bad!


New member
Jun 22, 2004
Kitchener,ON Canada
I have an 03 viper non er. Anyways when the sled is cold it is a real bugger to start. It takes about 20 pulls before it will start. The funny thing is the lights (headlights and taillights) don't light up when I'm pulling it over and then after about 15-20 pulls it comes to life. Once it starts it runs fine. Sometimes at low idle it will stall, but always restarts without any issue's. I have checked everything over, compression is good, fuel is good, floats in the carbs are good, not getting flooded. I think the stator is going bad or a lighting coil. Not sure. Anyone else experience this. The sled has 8500 miles on it.

what is your starting procedure? are you flipping the choke up (1/2 way) or are you flipping it over for full choke? usually a full choke will have the sled running it 2-3 pulls, then flip it to half, then flip it on and off till it will run on it's own. more than likely it is a carb issue, either dirty, or not using the choke the correct way. ski
Not sure if this will help but my buddies SRX was hard starting and the flywheel that goes around the stator that has the magnets on it was very rusty, so we cleaned it up with some emery cloth and that seemed to help the starting problem.
but with it stalling at low idle makes me believe more what skidooboy was saying about a carb problem.
my two cents
