Clutch Problems


New member
May 29, 2008
I have a 1997 Vmax Sx 600. Last winter my primary clutch went out and i bought a used clutch off of a 1999 SRX. I had a friend install new weights and a new spring. After i installed the clutch i fired up the sled. The primary clutch spins but when i open the throttle if fails to engage the secondary clutch. I am not sure why this is happening, but am by no means an expert when it comes to working on them. Any help would be appreciated.
Yes the weights and spring are stock. Yes the belt is on, i am smart enough to know that. I am going to have a friend look at it for me. Thanks again for the help.
the 97 had a short cover. the srx had a tall cover. if you put a new short cover spring under the tall cover would this create an issue? running with no belt, does the primary engage at all?
Something with my brake was acting up. I messed with it a little and then it took right off. The brake looks a little beat up so i am going to replace. Thanks for all the helps guys.
