hey guy pulled the motor(600) tonight and got a few questions ,,,,1 the block says 8de and the jugs and heads say 8 df are them the stock jugs and heads or they been changed ?? also i pulled the head and put the micrometer to it ....but i am unsure how to convert it ...it said 2.702 ish is it in inches ,,,trying to figure out if it is a big bore for sure ......and the 700 that i am putting in it the jugs and block say 8dn head is mega power head ,,what year is the 8dn 98-99?? ......also the 600 had delta vfroce reeds in it should i put them in the 700 ....i belive they are delta 1 .....and also i am looking for a reverse kit to throw in it now can any one help out let me know and thanks for the help guys
ok after looking at owners maanual it says 600 is 2.52 and 700 is 2.72 i just looked at the mic again and it is 2.72 ....so i am guessing someone just changed the jugs and pistons and heads from a 700 on it and that is why the jugs and heads are 8df instead of 8de does that sound rite ??? if so i really feel like a retard cause i just pulled the motor thinking it was a 600 to put a 700 in it so now i am gaining nothing but some porting and a very nice head ...let me know what you guys think about the whole situation thanks
well i was taking some things off the srx and i pulled the oli bottle off and found the gas tank was broke in the bottom corner and had been repaired ,,,so i am gonna change it so i dont have any problems later with it .....i also opened the chain case and found a 23 top gear and 39 bottom and a 15 chain ...and found the wireing had been repaired under the motor ..someone has been through it ...the gears aint stock are they ??