WTF Minor Damage ??

Good Track Too !!

Oh & like the seller says....track is good!!

Damn, what do ya think the driver looks like???

That had to HURT & check out the low snow conditions when this thing was wrecked.

Hey...last ride of the season.... :o|

Holy Crap BATMAN!!!!

LOL>>>>>>>bet you the clutch alignment is off and I don't think the electric start will work anymore. Minor eh!!The damn engine is now where the RHS ski spindle used to be. Crap man....lmao.Yeah a real simple fix I can see. ROFLMAO!!!!!!!Think I can fix that damage for about $
He just might as well as pour some fuel over it and toast some marshmellows. Holp Crap Batman..Seems to be the work of the


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Judging by how far the front end is smashed in on that thing I'd guess the clutch alignment is off big time. Motor mounts are probably broken from the impact too. Honestly it's worth about $500 as it sits. A sled from 2003 is old now that we are in the MY 2009. coming from a guy that owns a 2003 sled as well. ;)!
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