New member
First of all I just want to say that this is an awesome website. I belonged to E2S (everything 2-stroke) a while ago and the atmosphere just wasent as new-user friendly as it is here.
I just got my project SRX up and running, with a little input and advice from the site, and want to put some pics of the on-going process up on the website but im not sure how to do that. i also wanted to put one of the pics as my avitar but it tells me the pic is too large. I've noticed that others have pics as their avitars and i was just curious how to do that?
Again, great job on the site and thanks for the help!!
I just got my project SRX up and running, with a little input and advice from the site, and want to put some pics of the on-going process up on the website but im not sure how to do that. i also wanted to put one of the pics as my avitar but it tells me the pic is too large. I've noticed that others have pics as their avitars and i was just curious how to do that?
Again, great job on the site and thanks for the help!!
VIP Member
Welcome to the site!!! It sounds like you will want to start a post in the "Working Log" section. Here is a link: Working Log You can then attach pictures by selecting the "Manage Attachments" button near the bottom of your new thread.
As for your avatar - The maximum size of your custom image is 150 by 150 pixels or 390.6 KB (whichever is smaller). You will need to resize your pic to that size, or send it to me @ and I can do it for you and send it back.
As for your avatar - The maximum size of your custom image is 150 by 150 pixels or 390.6 KB (whichever is smaller). You will need to resize your pic to that size, or send it to me @ and I can do it for you and send it back.
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New member
Awesome! thanks for the info. I'll give it shot myself but if I have any problems I'll let you know.
New member
So I made my new thread in the Working logs but now it says my pics are still to big to upload there too. How do I compress them to make them fit?
New member
Also what is the limit of pics I am allowed to post there?
New member
I found a thread in the general topis section describing how to resize pics. I tells you to download a free microsoft resizer tool? If I dont hear of anything else I'll probably just try that when I get home from work tonite.
VIP Member
For a .jpg file the limit is 585.9 KB. There are different ways to resize. I use a program called Visualizer Photo Resize. Here is a link to a different free photo resize program: Resize I have never used it, but it looks like it should work fine for what you need. If not there are many others out there.
Edit - That tool will work fine also.
Edit - That tool will work fine also.
New member
Thanks I'll give it a shot when I get home tonite
New member
Got everything up! Check it out!
VIP Member
Great! Looks good.