A 136" Skid from a Mountain Max??? If not what needs to e done??
VIP Member
Will it fit in what. If you are asking about your sxr then the answer is sort of. It's not a bolt in as the added length is in the middle of the rail not on the end like an extended 121 skid. The front mounts in the same holes, but the middle and rear will require new mounting holes.
VIP Lifetime Member
yes what he said
Ok thats what I thought, sorry about the messed up typing. Our computers are work are slower than piss so typing is a pain.....
Now I guess I will be getting some rail extentions....
Now I guess I will be getting some rail extentions....
Life Member
you will need to place a reinforcement tward the rear, i may have them, if not you can just make some. the rear arm mounts about 7inches back. if you go this way, i can give you the measurements.
VIP Lifetime Member
the cb performance drop brakets would work perfect for it. I have a stock set but saving them for my 136 skid when it sells. Maxdlx
So I can use the drop brackets I have now just re-drill the holes? Is that correct??
VIP Lifetime Member
if they are ong enough yes you can reuse them. Maxdlx