Haydays heads up


VIP Lifetime Member
Mar 19, 2006
Roscoe, il
Just a heads up for those of you that are coming from the East to go to Haydays, if you are going to be traveling west on interstate 90 around the Rockford Il. area Interestate 90 is a mess for about 20 miles from Belvidere to South Beloit Il. Construction goes on during the days,nights and weekends.
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Good point. There are slow downs at the typical heavy traffic times of 7-8am and 4:30-6pm. During the day it is usually OK. I'd try to miss the heavy traffic time is possible. I drive it everyday and @ 4pm I rarely see a slowdown. By 5 it is always backed up.

TB4 - you going? We are heading up Friday late afternoon. Looking for a few misc parts and a sled for my nephew. I am also looking for a deal on an enclosed drive on drive off trailer. (Clam type)
Yes, The family and I are going up friday afternoon also (about 4) What kind of sled are you looking for?
Something around a grand. He has saved up his money and hopes to find an XTC or something similiar. 5-600cc. We actually have an XTC 700 we bought in the offseason to re-sell, but his parents won't let him have a 700 yet. He is 14. He is coming off of a 340 we re-did to look like an SRX. :) Anything will be an improvement.
I sure hope nobody is travelling west on interstate 90 east, ever . . . :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Sorry, couldn't resist

Now, travelling South on I-35 East near Minneapolis is more feasible . . .
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