USA guys go vote

Yeah! I voted and I'm in with the majority. What will they think of next? I should'nt ask.
As much as I hate to say it, there should be some kind of civics test to qualify to vote. Like naming the three branches of goverment and thier roles.

I don't hold too much hope if nearly half the SCOTUS can't even get a simple one right (as witnessed by the narrow ruling in the D.C. handgun ban overturn).

It's scary to see Barry's cult followers prattle over free healthcare, college tuition, job training, $1000.00 gas cards, etc... at the expense of us producers. Marx would be proud.

Heck, even proof of citizenship should be a no-brainer. But what the heck do I know.
evil prevails when good people do nothing. please get out to vote this year.has anyone heard sarah palin,s exceptance speech yet?she is awesome! a breath of fresh air!
i wish she was running for pres, not mcain, she is great, and a sledder too, though, i believe they ride cats, can someone confirm or deni the cat issue
I really feel for you guys down south.No one can promise to do that much and save the country.It COSTS money to do things.Where is all the money going to come from.I basically don't have any faith in our government here in Canada.They keep taking from us and screw us down the line.I don't remember the last time I even voted. If you are really wealthy,then you will benifit,otherwise good luck to ya.
I cut back at work so as to not ending up paying more income tax to the Gov.I have everything paid off,I don't owe anyone anything.I could work a lot of extra hours at work because we can't keep up,but I choose to take it easy and enjoy my 3 day weekends.
So good luck to you people in the USA with the election,hope your new President can solve all the problems your last President created.I feel for the young people coming up the ladder and the people who have lost jobs and even their homes.Things should have not been allowed to go that far and it is going to be a battle to get things back up to parr again.It won't be a vacation like your present gov. seemed to have taken on many fronts.
I know a LITTLE BIT about Chicago politics being involved with it MY WHOLE LIFE.. My Father and I were BOTH precinct captains ( if you don't know,,, DONT ASK) and we BOTH worked for the "daley's".. My father , for the old man and Myself,,the son!!! My father and I have BOTH BEEN around the WORLD and let me tell you something.. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is ABSOLUTELY the BEST PLACE to live in the WHOLE WORLD!!!! My father in the SOUTH PACIFIC and MYSELF in EUROPE.... WE BOTH kissed the ground when we returned to the states!!!!!! It may have some problems.....but...... STILL THE BEST IN THE WORLD!!!!!
I have to take acception to blaming everything on our current president. He's pissed me off about spending like a Democrat, open borders, trade policies and a few others, but he has managed to select three outstanding SC justices (after us conservatives reminded him that Harriet wasn't a wise choise).

He was right to depose Sadam but got it wrong listening to Rummy about going to war on the cheep. U.N resolution 1441 said nothing about WMD's yet congress (and the presidents - plural) believed our's and foriegn intelligence as far back as 1998 that he had and did use them.

15 of the 18 benchmarks have been met yet the Old Gray Lady has three headline stories on Palin's 17 year old. Good news from Iraq is religated to the back pages.

I blame the housing mess on idiots that bought way out of their price range through an ARM and the government for changing the qualifications for home mortgages ("Got a job, get a house"). I settled for a 30 year fixed while others took chances with interest only loans or ARMs and now I'm supposed to feel sorry for them and bail them out? They were just fine paying less than I've been paying all along but now that the Piper has showed up, we bail them out?

Job loses are due to poor career choices.

I'm not looking for any help and don't want any help from the next president. I don't want his socialist healthcare or pay for someone else's. Just stay out of my way and I'll sink or swim based on my output, not what Uncle Barry wants to provide. Don't treat the Constitution like a living document and just follow the darn thing.

A government that leads least leads best.
right on brother! just two things for the pres!, defend this country ! and shrink the government!( liberal dems first!preferably)
