Where can I find Yamaha sled specs?


New member
Feb 6, 2005
Shelby Township, MI
I'm looking at older sleds (~'01) and would like to compare the differences from year to year. Things like HP & TQ (duh), suspension travel, fuel tank capacity, ski stance, weight, basic features (eg DCS). There are plenty of sites for Polaris out there (such as this: http://www.polarisfiles.com/forum/index.php?&act=products&mode=snowmobile , this: http://www.polarisman.com/site/DisplayYear.cfm?Year=2001&killnav=1 , or this: http://www.geocities.com/polaris-man/sledshome.htm ), but I can't find anything for Yamaha. I'm specifically interested in the 01 SRX, but interested in Viper etc. Stuff changes every year, but it's tough to know/remember what was what 8 years ago.

It would seem that this information is already lurking here at TY somwhere, but I can not find it. Any help would be appreciated.
I don't think that there is anything on this board that is a side by side comparison like the chart Yamaha puts out every year. There is the "Stock Specs" section, but it doesn't include the items you are looking for. It'll probably be easier for us to help if you just list the sleds your are interested in and what you want to you. You will get some quick replies. You mentioned the Viper and SRX, but do you just want to know what the options were for that year, or to be compared to the options of other years? You can also use the "Search" function to find out just about anything you are looking for.
I know I like the '01 SRX (rode one - instantly hooked for life). I saw somewhere someone commented that even if they won the lottery, they'd still be riding their '01 SRX. I wholeheartedly agree. But then, I'm a life-long 2-stroke freak. I owned multiple RZ-350s - and lament every selling them.

That said, I'm trying understand what the changes were year to year from 98 - 02 SRXs. I know early years had crank issues, and I think there was a power bump somewhere in there ('00 or '01?). I think 02 added DCS. I have searched for stock hp ratings - and apparently am not very search literate as I can't even come up with that basic info.

Looking for info to compare:

'98 SRX 700
'99 SRX 700
'00 SRX 700
'01 SRX 700
'02 SRX 700

Given that I love the performance and triple-triple aura, I'm not sure a Viper would satisfy but I wondered how close the Viper was in terms of performance and "corners on rails" handling.
Here are a couple links:

Link 1

Link 2

You should find the SRX info there. There is about 5HP between the 98-99 and 00 on up. The 00 on up rev quicker also.

As for handling - SRX on great trails... Viper on anything else. You can add long travel rear to the SRX fairly easily. You can also add pipes to the viper for a great sled, but you'll have more money wrapped up and not near as good of fuel mileage. All depends on what is most important to you. Bot can be great sleds, but for the SRX, I would definately go with the 00 and up. They are very close in price anymore if you shop around.
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The separate hand/thumbwarmers seem to be the 'gotta have it' upgrade - so much for performance over amenities, eh? Lots of good info, particularly in that second link, thank you for your time.

Do you know what the stock horsepower and torque ratings were for the 2001 SRX? Lots of people talked about a ~5HP bump in '00 - but nobody mentioned where it started or what it ended up with. Just curiousity really, my mind is made up. Sounds like the '01 SRX is indeed the epitome of 2-stroke powered sleds.

I just noticed you have an '02 - has DCS caused you any issues? What is your opinion on it? Is DCS is a reason to avoid the '02s?
Yamaha claimed 140 on the 99's and 145 on the 00 on up I believe. On the dyno most say it was more like 135 then 140. I have never had one dyno'd myself. I'd like to know the torque numbers myself. I have always wondered how the SRX compares to the new 4-Strokes in torque.

My 02 is now ported, but I also ran it stock. I have yet to have the DCS light come on so I haven't had any issues. Personally I like the idea of having it there. If it happens to come on during a bitter cold night I'd be happy I had the insurance. it does seem that quite a few have had trouble with it coming on when it isn't supposed to, so I can see where some may not like it.
