Need to use a Track Clip tool in SE Michigan


Darn Tootin'
May 8, 2003
Howell, MI
Anybody have a plier-type 1-inch wide track clip installation tool in SE or Central Michigan that I could borrow?

I need to install 76 clips on a Camoplast 1.25 Ripsaw. Half of the clips have to be installed over the 1.25 inch lugs so I don't think the bolt-type tool will work.

Let me know if you can help.
Thanks Paul, let me see if someone closer responds first. Have you ever used it on a Ripsaw without notching the lugs?
I had to re-clip the entire track of my Excel V. What I did was cut off all the old clips, then pay the folks at Full Throttle Motorsports $80 to install the new ones. It seemed to be about the price of a track clip tool, and saved me the effort.
Still need to borrow a track clip tool in SE Michigan for 1" camoplast clips on a Ripsaw. Anybody got one?
i have one for camoplast clips you can borrow i live in byron center mi 49315 just off 131 100th st. 1-616-318-4560
if you use the bolt type you just need the deeper attatchment ( the piece that squishes) the short piece doesnt cut it for the 1.25 but machine out the deeper insert and presto.
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