New member
I found it on Craigslist, but I don't know what it is quite yet. It appears to be an old Sno-Jet cutter sleigh, but it's missing the windscreen and the seat. It's painted black, and I have to decide if I should paint it to match the snowmobiles or else bring it back to SnoJet blue. I also have to find a picture of another one of these things and see if I can duplicate the seat assembly, as there isn't one for this thing. I'll probably end up creating some steel seat runners and then fabricate a fiberglass buck, and get it upholstered at a custom shop. The sleigh also needs some hand hold bars for the passenger, though it appears that nothing existed on the original.
I'll try to post a picture when I get one. In the mean time, here's a picture of someone else's sleigh: Mine is the same as this, except mine's got no seat and it's black with blue paint showing through.
I'll try to post a picture when I get one. In the mean time, here's a picture of someone else's sleigh: Mine is the same as this, except mine's got no seat and it's black with blue paint showing through.
New member
Okay, tonight I got the seat frame fabricated. The old sleigh appears to date to aboiut 1969. Mine's the exact same as the picture above, except my seat is laid back with a bit of ergonomic lumbar support built-in. My seat back also tilts forward so that I can put stuff behind the seat, like water, rope, jumper cables, tools, spare oil, etcetera. the frame is made of cad-plated steel, and I welded it up with the MIG. The seat bottoms are made from 1/2 inch OSB, and once painted, I will take them to the upholstery shop to see what they can stitch together. Now I need to get the fiberglass tub off the frame, and see if I can get the frame stripped & sanded. Somehow I need to lift the Sno Jet graphic so that I can reproduce it when the painting is done. Same thing with the stripe.
Does anyone know where I can go to create a windshield for this thing? It really, really needs one to complete the "look".
Does anyone know where I can go to create a windshield for this thing? It really, really needs one to complete the "look".