hey guys quick question ...i have a 98 srx and i put a 2 inch powermadd riser on the handlebars ...cables seem to work but are a little tight i thought i read somewere that cable extensions need to be installed for this to work....might have been richie rich ....has anyone done this ? do i need extensions or it that for more than 2 inch ? thanks guys
I've always been able to run the stock cables and such with a 2" riser. Tried a 3" and that didn't work so well. Don't know about the park brake cable as I have always just removed them.
New member
You can run 2" with stock cables.I would remove cables out of the gold metal hoop on steering column.that will give you some extra play.Some time you just need to reroute the cables.Let me know if that makes sense and works for you.
I have a 3" on my SXR and its just fine, I followed the tech page write up though...check on that and see