Clutch springs


New member
Nov 30, 2004
northern michigan
When should these be replaced, any particular mileage?I have heard of this more with other makes of sleds and people report improved performance with new springs,but I don't remember much talk on this forum with the yamaha's.My sx-r has about 7000 miles on the originals.Whats your thoughts, should I replace 'em when I tear down the clutches for cleaning and inspection this fall?
if that spring has been in the clutch for 7000 miles, yes, replace it. its probably been sacked for the last 3000 plus miles. i change mine about every 2 years and pull all the springs out for summer storage. kind of a ritual to make sure clutches are cleaned annually. cheap insurance as to condition. whats a new spring? under $20? be sure and check all other components as well.
Ok, thanks for the input , i'm going to buy an alingnment tool as well to make sure everything is kosher there too when I put everything back together.The sled is getting this stuff checked out along with new rings before riding season as the engine has never been apart.
