Viper Engine Top-End Rebuild - Input Welcome


Darn Tootin'
May 8, 2003
Howell, MI
Viper Engine with 9K miles, first time opened up.

Tell me what you think (see attachment with measurements)
  • The rings show very little end gap like they have very little wear. I don't see a spec for end gap.
  • While the piston to cylinder clearance is within tolerance, they are very close to it.
  • The pistons do show signs of blow-by with coloring down past the rings to even with the piston pin.
  • Wash was very good.
  • Cylinder walls excellent shape, cross-hatch very visible.
*** All measurements in inches (in attachment)


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Yamahs 2S the first 500, Legend X2 the next 500, and then Blue Marble the next 8000.

This is only the second Viper engine that I have ever opened up, but it is by far the cleanest and least wear I have ever seen on any 2 stroke engine with more than 3000 miles.

Power Valves do gum up, but that comes mostly from the gas.
Randy, those are very similar numbers to mine at 9500 miles. New stock sized pistons and rings and throw it back together! The guy that did mine commented how clean the entire engine looked inside. Yamalube the first tank of oil and Interceptor from then on. Gotta' love synthetics. Oh yeah, 1 can of Seafoam in the last tank of fuel every trip. Kept the powervalves CLEAN!!
You put a whole can in a tank?

Did it smoke a bit?

I use Sea Foam on a lot of things, but not that much. Maybe that is the answer to gummed up PVs.
With the reccomended ratio of 1 oz. per gallon and a 12 gallon tank, it's not that far off LOL. Never smoked anymore than it did with no Seafoam in the fuel. Powervalve check every 1500 mi. and cleaned at the end of every season. Never had one stick, and am running original cables with over 12,000 miles. Might NOT be the Seafoam, but it certainly isn't hurting anything LOL.
Man, I have gone through 3 valves with pull throughs, and one broken cable. I have used Sea Foam and Ring Free, but not as heavy as you do. Think I will switch to your approach.

When I use Sea Foam in small 2-stroke engines (Weed Wackers, Chainsaws, etc.) they smoke like a banshee for that tankful.
That's because your SMOKIN' all the carbon gunk out of the motor LOL!! I sincerely believe my Seafoam and Amsoil regimen is responsible for the condition mine was in when torn down. Might just have to drag the old girl to a TY ride and beat on her some more LOL!!
Viper_Dave said:
That's because your SMOKIN' all the carbon gunk out of the motor LOL!! I sincerely believe my Seafoam and Amsoil regimen is responsible for the condition mine was in when torn down. Might just have to drag the old girl to a TY ride and beat on her some more LOL!!
Dave, You bringing your viper to the MUNI ride? That would be cool. Is it the one on your avatar? Ill bring my SRX again this year. It kinda got neglected last year.

Is this what you put in your tank? The entire can? I might have to try that.


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Funny, I sound just like Paul LOL! DEFINITELY use the carb and injector cleaner. You put that rust remover in the tank and WHHEEWW! I think you'd be looking for bearings, rings and seals QUICK LOL!! I have to see if Jerry is making any trips this year. I'd like to bring the Viper, but am currently sticking an Expert setback to 144 in the Attak.. and a lighter and HOPEFULLY , more durable exhaust. Fed up with my stock system leaking!! See ya' when the snow FLIES!! :brr :brr :brr
OOPS yea sorry i got avatars mixed up with some names Im sorry. Hope to see yous both in a few months anyways.

Ding, Im sorry if I hi-jacked your thread. Didnt mean to.

Say, Do you have any pics of the tear down?
I didn't take any pics during teardown. I can take some now, but it is all celaned up. This engine was incredibly clean so cleanup was real easy. Do you still want to see pics now?
I also remeasured everything to be sure. The first time I was a bit rushed and there were a few minor discrepancies.

Here are the updated numbers . . .


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