Snowscoot will not idle


New member
Sep 6, 2005
Saskatchewan, Canada
Had a quick question for any who can help? I have a 80cc 1988 snowscoot, just picked it up for the kid. I pulled the carb cleaned it thourghly, drained all fuel from tank and replaced it with fresh.
It will only start when fuel is put directly into the cylinder through the spark plug opening, and will stay running at high rpm, as soon as you let the rpm come down to idle it stalls and I cannot get it started again until you force feed it fuel.
The guy I bought it from said it has always been a bit-h to get going when cold, but once warm started no problem.
I thought a good carb cleaning would solve this, I thought wrong.
It also is puking alot of black oily substance from the tailpipe? Compression feels okay on the kick, but not sure what a 80cc kick should feel like. Choke lever is nice and free and clean. Any thoughts apreciated. Thanks
Make sure the fuel shutoff is to the full on position under the seat... Or the carb is still dirty remove pilot jet and run a piece of copper wire thru it and also make sure the passages are clean... Because its a scooter motor they always puke the black oily out the exhaust till they get warmed up...

ps use good carb cleaner and let it soak...
Sno-scoots have their own forum site, if you look for the link off of " Mercury outboards" site of all places. A lot of good useful info there. We have a Scoot also. If you have a problem finding it, let me know.. & I'll help. I know I saved the site somewhere.. Mike.
I got the scoot to idle and run nicely last night, but it still will not start without forcing fuel into the cylinder. Also when I had it running, I put the choke on and it idles up?? I am confused.
1-Check the fuel tank vent.
2-Disassemble carb & let it soak over night in mineral spirits.
3-Clean it out thoroughly, jets, ..etc.
4- There is a thred on the sno-scoot forum for properly setting up the carb, & choke height. Should solve your problem.
