Chime in with your thoughts on the following clutch weight switch . . .
I have been studying the clutch weight charts trying to compare how . . .
8EK weights loaded (17.2/17/2), 14.5 mm rollers and a Y-W-Y spring
line up with . . .
8DN-10 weights light(none/10.3), 15.6 mm rollers and a G-W-G spring
I need to get a starting point to tune from.
Let me know what you think about these 2 setups.
I have been studying the clutch weight charts trying to compare how . . .
8EK weights loaded (17.2/17/2), 14.5 mm rollers and a Y-W-Y spring
line up with . . .
8DN-10 weights light(none/10.3), 15.6 mm rollers and a G-W-G spring
I need to get a starting point to tune from.
Let me know what you think about these 2 setups.
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Is it possible you can run your viper with 8DN-20's?
Thanks for the input Tom, I am open to any ideas. I will look at this on the chart too . . .
Right now I am trying to determine the basic difference across the rpm range of the 2 setups. Obviously the secondary setup will affect the overall sled perfromance, but I want to figure out how the combination of weight, rivets, rollers and springs compare on the primary side alone. The loading chart from Yamaha has these 2 weights (and the 8DN-20 for that matter) on the same chart, so it makes it easy to compare the weight by itself. I just wanted input from you guys with more clutching experience than I have to share your thoughts.
I see that Yamaha uses the 8DN-10 with larger rollers on the Mtn Viper. I am guessing that this is too provide a less agressive shift-out in an effort to keep track spin out down and lessen the tendency to trench in deep snow. I believe the loaded heavy hitters I also have would be even worse for trenching.
Anybody got any input? Not looking for a full setup, just your thoughts on how these setups compare . . .
Right now I am trying to determine the basic difference across the rpm range of the 2 setups. Obviously the secondary setup will affect the overall sled perfromance, but I want to figure out how the combination of weight, rivets, rollers and springs compare on the primary side alone. The loading chart from Yamaha has these 2 weights (and the 8DN-20 for that matter) on the same chart, so it makes it easy to compare the weight by itself. I just wanted input from you guys with more clutching experience than I have to share your thoughts.
I see that Yamaha uses the 8DN-10 with larger rollers on the Mtn Viper. I am guessing that this is too provide a less agressive shift-out in an effort to keep track spin out down and lessen the tendency to trench in deep snow. I believe the loaded heavy hitters I also have would be even worse for trenching.
Anybody got any input? Not looking for a full setup, just your thoughts on how these setups compare . . .
I dont think the 20's will have an adverse affect on perfomance since they are the same exact profile as the 10's and the 20's appear to be a touch heavier possibly for a little better shift and top end. I would try to tune any Yammi tripple 2 stroke to run these weights. Have them in my SRX and love them on the trail. I think I would start out filling the 20's with 4.5 rivets and tune the secondary from there but its up to you.
why do some of the weights in the charts have cross hairs in the center of the rivet holes?
Drawing was created directly from the CAD program that generated the machine code I guess. The 8EK is newer than the others.
New member
To confuse youtomseal6 said:why do some of the weights in the charts have cross hairs in the center of the rivet holes?