Hi all, back in the sledding mood! Getn close to that time of year. Would anyone care to share their experiences with the Tempa Flow? Considering putting one on the red top 600 trip. Pros & cons ? Apparently Palin had it on his sled during the IRON DOG one of the years he won it .
New member
Try a search on tempa Blows,there crap, focus on other areas like clutching etc, that will yield better results...
glad I did a search like ya said daman blows seems accurate!
Thought it looked pretty cheap too.
Thought it looked pretty cheap too.
New member
Yea like i said focus on clutching if your looking for some added perf.
good luck
good luck

New member
My brother has a Tempa-Flow on his Pro-X and it works well. It automatically adjusts the jetting and you can fine-tune the jetting in seconds if you need to.
Some people say Tempa-Flows are junk, but my brother has had good luck with his and likes it.
Some people say Tempa-Flows are junk, but my brother has had good luck with his and likes it.
I have a tempa flow I'll pay you $50 to take.
I take it, Wanna send me a check or paypal me?Bischof said:I have a tempa flow I'll pay you $50 to take.
I know alot of guys that run them on poo's and work real well.
They worked good on the srx's that's about it.I wouldn't put one on a red head or viper engine.
They worked good on the srx's that's about it.I wouldn't put one on a red head or viper engine.
i have one on my 700 ven. and it is tweeked . ex temp gauge is allways on the right temp i get 12 mpg hot rodding it with a m10 airwave i will kep my temp a flow
Well, I am NOT trying to start an argument, but I have run one on my Viper for over 10,000 miles, and have had zero issues. Plugs always looked cardboard brown. Even after I 136'd mine, I consistently got 15 mpg when trail riding. Best I ever saw when it was a shorty was 17 mpg. just my .02.
I am convinced that if installed properly the Temp-Flow works as it is designed to. I like Dave have run a lot of miles (9000 in my case) with one on a Viper engine. Just tore the engine down a while ago, and it looked great. You must be sure to not get a leak or a blockage in the vent lines as a result of the Temp-Flow install. You must be jetted for the coldest temp / lowest elevation (highest air density) you will run in. You must let it cool back down to current air temps after a stop where the underhood temps warm it up. On a Viper, stay out of the upper midrange where the line is the finest, and for sure stay out of WOT. Give it a mile or 2 to adjust back to real air temps. If you flip your sled, make sure the vents lines are clear and didn't come loose.
Randy, EXACTLY!! If I flipped mine or or rolled it on it's side, I checked the vent line for fuel bubbles.Clear 'em out and you're good to go. And the point you made about not hammering it after sitting for a few minutes. Underhood heat will fool the Tempaflow. I ran my Viper from -40 to +40 and never changed jets. Always ran the same.
ok i read up on it and didnt install mine ....cause i got no direction ....i work better with pics ......i would like to run mine but i want to be sure i got hooked up rite any of you guys got any pics and tips ....i know the lines have to be certin length and tempra flow has to be mounted at the rite height in the air box ....other wise i have a tempra flow and a vari flow i am not useing .....
SRXRules, SRXdude, and others have posts in the Tech Section on these installs.
I have some input directly from Barry Hotlzman himself specific to those installs that I should be able to find and post. He comments on these specific installs and makes a couple suggestions that I added to the SRXRules install. The official instructions are also available online. One very important item is that you need to mount the body of the Tempaflow in accordance with whereever the baseline jetting on the sled had the carb venting routed to. In other words the TempaFlow installation and venting needs to match the actual jetting that you plan to run with it.
I'll try to find Barry's comments . . .
I have some input directly from Barry Hotlzman himself specific to those installs that I should be able to find and post. He comments on these specific installs and makes a couple suggestions that I added to the SRXRules install. The official instructions are also available online. One very important item is that you need to mount the body of the Tempaflow in accordance with whereever the baseline jetting on the sled had the carb venting routed to. In other words the TempaFlow installation and venting needs to match the actual jetting that you plan to run with it.
I'll try to find Barry's comments . . .
VIP Member
I had a Tempaflow in my Viper and it worked great. Speed runs were noticably faster. The only issue with them is when you take off after a break. The airbox is warm which fools the Tempaflow into thinking its warm outside, when the cold air rushes in the sled is to lean, and you know what happens. Holtzman says to take it easy the first mile of two after a break to let the airbox cool off, and the Tempaflow to readjust. The problem with that is your buddies are gone and you are playing catch-up. To solve that problem I put in a vacuum break, just a gas shutoff valve I mounted on the dash. When we stopped I opened the valve which breaks the vacuum to the carbs and you are jetted way rich. After a few miles I would close the valve and enjoy the benefits of perfect jetting. I think they're ingenious.