New member
Hey guys, picked up a set of Power Inc. triple pipes with end dumps at Haydays, why?, because they looked so forlorn laying in the dust. Looking to install in my 97sx and found the install instructions on the tech pages, missing page which shows fig. 9 thru fig. 12 by the way, which are a great help. Ride mostly trails and lakes, ya a flatlander, here in west central mn. Does anyone have additional install, setup, tips, for these pipes? Are Power Inc. and PSI basically the same pipes? Thanks for your replies.
Darn you! I knew I should have gone, damn weddings! How much did they get you for the set?
End dumps run at 8400 rpm
centre dumps run at 8100 rpm
not even close to being close to psi pipes
centre dumps run at 8100 rpm
not even close to being close to psi pipes
New member
Coles 55, Pipes, flanges, assorted springs, some setup info= 100 clams really stole them...great deal...There is something you bought and if you want to sell in the future you can for sure make some xtra money..Congrats
Ho and I forgot ger yourself a good set of ear plugs.
Ho and I forgot ger yourself a good set of ear plugs.
New member
ya, I figure I did alright. Who else has / had these pipes and how did you like them?
Damn that is a steal!
New member
I had them on my 600 and they were SWEET. Nice power band on them... a little hard on the gas compared to the Aaens I used to have. I can't believe you got them for $100... that is a smokin' deal. I paid 4 times that for a ceramic coated set shipped to canada but they also had a very rare 3 into 1 silencer that was much quieter than the individual silencers... oh yea, those pipes are LOUD with the seperate silencers (sound awesome though).
New member
Once in a while a guy just happens to be in the right place at the right time. Had no intentions of even looking for pipes, but there they were and well you know the rest.
TRIPP700, Just wanted to give ya a lil hell quick. I'm Certain that I talked to you at Haydays, I had a set of Haucks for sale on my table and you laughed because I was asking $275 for mine because you got your Power Inc's for $100........You won't be laughing that much when you hear how LOUD the End Dumps are once you get them bolted in and how Johnny Law will be all over you. I think that I could be the one laughing in the end. HAHAHAHA 

I have the end dumps on my 97 700SX and don't think they are too loud, but then I also have a 4 cylinder Vmax-4 with PSI quad pipes (LOL!!)
Now THAT is loud!
New member
JohnnyQuest, I don't believe I laughed at you or your asking price. Give me all the hell you want I'm a big boy and can take it.
great pipes i have on my 97 700 150 mains 50 pilots 89L WEIGHTS 51/43 helix not that loud
If anyone have a set (with end dumps) for sale please let me know. Thanks