Y.E.S. Info


VIP Member
May 25, 2003
Brevort, MI
Just wondering what the Y.E.S. is and what it is suppose to be for.

I have Y.E.S. on my 07 MTN Apex. Does it cover things like oil changes or any kind of maintenance or is it just an extended warranty?
I bought Y.E.S. on both of my new sleds. In retrospect... I don't think I would do it again. It only covers defect failures. It does not cover wear items. Everything that failed on both of my sleds was considered wear items except for one bearing. It will however cover an engine failure. Seems the Yamaha sleds don't have defect failures?
We have it on our 4-stroke watercraft. 2 yrs worth. I figured it would be worth its cost if there is an engine failure.. Even though we just smoked the the prop, which is considered a "wear" item, I still feel its a "smart" move if you plan on keeping your toy for awhile. Otherwise, I wouldn't have got it..
The sled came with it when I bought it used. The Y.E.S. was fully transferrable.

So what I gather from this, its just an extended warranty?...
