srx 700 2001


New member
Sep 16, 2008
Colgan, Ontario
I'm going to check out a 2001 srx 700 in a few days, anything people recommend i look for? I know its advertised with ohlin shocks can i tell if they are stock or upgraded, any tricks to confirm mileage. it also has 192 studs, its a bit much for me can i remove 50 or so and not worry about the track ripping apart? thanks
any tips would be appreciated.
Overall its a great sled, a little rough riding by modern standards, but that can be changed easily with a different skidframe.I'd try it first and see what you think.As far as problems look for a cracked or broken w-arm which is the front arm in the rear suspension also look at heat exchangers, front bulkhead and tunnel for stud damage.For performance 192 studs is great and is actually easier on the track in alot of ways than understudding because less stress is placed on each stud and spot on the track with so many.Its you call alot run 144 or 168 studs and I personally would'nt go less than 144 on this sled anyways.If it has the original track it may be due for a track anyways and then you could do whatever you wanted stud wise.Just check the sled over thourghly and you'll be good.
thanks, ill keep an eye out for those issues. i am also ridding a 1987 phazer, so this will be a huge change for me. I though that the extra weight of all those studs would flex that track at high rpm, thus maybe 144 might reduce it a little.
thanks for the tips
Yes you do need to keep up on the track tension more with that higher number of studs and 144 would lessen that.It'll be awsome compared to an '87 phazer!
i went a looked at the sled last night and it looked pretty good, there was no stud damage, the frame looked nice and straight, the only that concerned me was that track had all the luggs ripped off on the left side. the cog wheels looked good still. what would cause that? old track or maybe racing? a lot of power real quick?

just to clarify i dont know if im using the correct terminology, where the cog wheels meet the track to drive the sled the little rubber nubs were all pretty much gone.

any thoughts
Are you talking on the inside of the track? The rubber guides for the drive cogs on the track? Were they gone from both sides? If so, I'm sure that could be a couple things....a bearing gone or going and creating free-play in the drive shaft..warped drive shaft (what the drive cogs mounted to)..maybe something got caught inside the suspension (stick, rock, chunk of ice, etc..)and ripped them off....could be a number of things.

But I think if you did buy the sled a track swap would be in order. Better to do it now in the garage at home then ride it and have a problem out on the trails...or worse yet, have it come apart on you while doing 80-90 across a frozen lake or down a trail.

--Steve (O.C.)
yep they are on the inside of the track, not all of them are completely severed so i would think that it wasn't a chunk of ice or a stick as they would all face the same fate and look the same. they almost looked like they were melted slightly. a new track is a must. it was all on only one side the opposite looked fine. Im a little concerned about this sled but they are so far and few between these days. otherwise it has been completely dealer maintained.
