197? Gp 292


Nov 25, 2003
New York
I just picked up a GP 292. How do I tell what year it is. I can't find anything on the chassis. Just the motor has some numbers on it. It is not in to bad a shape for sitting around. Definitly restorable.
round headlight is 72 & 73. 74 the belly pan was wider. In 76 the motor was reed valve. Cylinder ID on the PTO side..... 1) 292cc S is the '71 GYT cylinder 2) 292cc SB is the '72 and 3) 292cc SC is '73.

any other questions?
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It just has 292cc on the pto side at the very bottom of the cylinder. Round headlight. Mikuni HD carb. Maybe a 71 then.
if it does not have S; SB; or SC than you have a standard SL292. you can also verify the smaller 21hp SL's or SB's by the intake - they used the HR carb stud spacing. The 27hp GP's have a 2.5" HD stud spacing at the intake.
Actually, the round headlight GP 292 is 72 only. 73 changed to the square headlight chassis. There was no GP 292 in 71, only the SL 292. The serial number is on the right side of the chassis just below the seat where the chassis material is double reinforced.

I just picked up a gem of 73 GP 292 and have decided to flip it if anyone's interested. I'll post and ad with the some pics in the classifieds soon. G.
Gorkon said:
Actually, the round headlight GP 292 is 72 only. 73 changed to the square headlight chassis. There was no GP 292 in 71, only the SL 292. The serial number is on the right side of the chassis just below the seat where the chassis material is double reinforced.

Yes, your right about the '73 being square. I get that messed up sometimes. In '71 there was no production GP292, but you could purchase the GYT kit wich contained the GP cylinder; tune pipe; 50mm carb.

So many times I see SL or SM 292 motors in GP chassis. People get burnt thinking they bought a GP only to find out that someone took the GP the cylinder and head and replaced it with SM or SL


That is what they must of done with this sled. I looked further and see it is a GP 292 chassis but a SL292 motor. At least I didn't get burnt only paying $100. It is still a decent sled though. Belly pan is mint not one dent anywheres. Track is in great shape. The odometer shows 316 miles. It runs that is a plus. Seat has a new recovering done on it . Not stock looking but still a great job.


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you'll have fun for $100. I still own my '74sm that my father bought me in '76. the motors are really bulit proof. only differences in the sl/sm/GP series of motors: head;cylinder;exhaust
Well that's a 71 stripe on the hood, so is the chassis a 72? They were working on them on 71, but they were released as a new for 72 model. In fact, if you look at the 72 brochure at the main picture of the GP 396, you'll see that it is clearly a 292 with 1 plug and one velocity stack coming off the engine. Don't know though if they actually built any?

They're quick though for a single. In their day they were the smoothest single available and like the rest of the Yamaha line up, built themselves a reputation as giant killers, easily besting other brands 440's!! My best friend bought one new in 72 and we rode together all of the time with me on my 71 SL 338 and my buddy's 440 Panther. Both the Yamaha's easily beat the cat and the 292 flat out smoked my 338! Hunt down the GYT parts at the wreckers and you'll have a lot of fun with it and they're competetive today as they were then. If you PM me, I have an awesome pic of one that I found on the net and modified that I''ll send you. You'll never see a better looking 72! Best. G.
Gp 292

Thanks for the pic. That would be an awsome sled. Might have to restore this one to be custom like that.
Gp 292

There is no serial numbers stamped on the chassis nowhere on this sled. I wonder what is up with that.
You're certain there is NO numbers on it? They are sometimes difficult to see, but to my knowledge it should be stamped on the right side of the tunnel where it is doubled at the top, just behind the engine, like, just above, and a little back from where you put your right foot. If it's not there, that confounds me, there has to be serial number stamped on it someplace, unless maybe it's a replacement chassis from yamaha? Could explain why it's got a 71 hood, and SL engine!? The original sled might have been damaged. I replaced a chassis on a 71 SS 433 once with a brand new aluminum SR chassis from yamaha! I don't recall any numbers on it, and sure would like to know where that is! G.
Go to the back off the sled. Look on the left side,beside or just under the snoflap. 1970-71/72 are stamped there.

