New to the Forum


New member
Sep 26, 2008
St. Joseph
Good morning Forum members,

Hows everyone doing? What a nice morning it is. Anyways, I might be getting an 2005 Sled from a Yamaha dealer. What I am not clear on is wether it is a touring sled or not. I think the salesmen said it was an RS Renegade or Rage. I am checking to confirm what it is. It has 2400 miles on it. Is tha considered high miles by chance.I think the price was 5800 I think. So I would have to put down 1500. I am trying to work that out.

take care

Welcome aboard you'll find this the best independent brand specific sled forum going.If the sled your looking to buy is a Yamaha then it most likely was the Rage as the Renegade is a Ski Doo.The mileage wouldn't be considered high especially for a 4 stroke engine which leads me to my next point that if you buy the Rage you should register on the 4 stroke side too.
I wouldn't worry about it having 2400 miles. There's a guy on the TY 4-stroke forum with a Vector (I think?) that has over 30,000 miles on it. I believe the Vector had the same engine as the Rage, someone correct me if I'm wrong. But it should last a LONG time. Yamahas are well known for their reliability.
