New member
Good morning Forum members,
Hows everyone doing? What a nice morning it is. Anyways, I might be getting an 2005 Sled from a Yamaha dealer. What I am not clear on is wether it is a touring sled or not. I think the salesmen said it was an RS Renegade or Rage. I am checking to confirm what it is. It has 2400 miles on it. Is tha considered high miles by chance.I think the price was 5800 I think. So I would have to put down 1500. I am trying to work that out.
take care
Hows everyone doing? What a nice morning it is. Anyways, I might be getting an 2005 Sled from a Yamaha dealer. What I am not clear on is wether it is a touring sled or not. I think the salesmen said it was an RS Renegade or Rage. I am checking to confirm what it is. It has 2400 miles on it. Is tha considered high miles by chance.I think the price was 5800 I think. So I would have to put down 1500. I am trying to work that out.
take care
New member
Welcome To The Site
Welcome aboard you'll find this the best independent brand specific sled forum going.If the sled your looking to buy is a Yamaha then it most likely was the Rage as the Renegade is a Ski Doo.The mileage wouldn't be considered high especially for a 4 stroke engine which leads me to my next point that if you buy the Rage you should register on the 4 stroke side too.
I wouldn't worry about it having 2400 miles. There's a guy on the TY 4-stroke forum with a Vector (I think?) that has over 30,000 miles on it. I believe the Vector had the same engine as the Rage, someone correct me if I'm wrong. But it should last a LONG time. Yamahas are well known for their reliability.