srx mountain skid


New member
Nov 23, 2007
hey guys i am looking at a skid from a 98 mountain srx 700 ....what skid do them have in the 136? it has a paddle track looks like 1 1/2 or 2 inch lugs it should have like 7 toooth drivers? not stock 9 tooth? the w arms in them are they weak like the regular srx? are them long travel skids ? also if i put that skid in my 98 srx will i have to get tunnel extension and move rear cooler? will it bolt rite in to orginal mounting holes? thanks guys for any info you can give me
98's came with a 136x1.5" track and they had 9 tooth drivers. you need to go to 8 tooth drivers to run a 2" track. It is a longer travel suspension than the V-max's of that year. It will ride significantly better than than your SRX. I have a 98 MM 700 and it has the same skid, 10 years and I haven't had any trouble with the W-arms.(And I've got some big air with it at times.) I don't think it will mount in the same holes as the short skid(not 100% sure), you will need an extension and relocate the rear exchanger. Mountain Performance or Hartman Inc. sell kits to do this, it's worth checking them out.

If you find one of the kits please let me know. mountian perfomance is getting out of all of the 2 stroke stuff and luck
